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❶ (恩惠;恩德) kindness;favour;grace:报 ~ requite a kindness;pay a debt of gratitude;
感 ~ feel grateful;be thankful;
施 ~ bestow favours;
今 ~ 足以及禽兽,而功不至于百姓者,独何与? Now here is kindness sufficient to reach to animals,and no benefits are extended from it to the people. — How is this?
❷ [书] (亲人) one's parents,spouse,children,etc.;one's family members
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 谊 En Yi
◆恩爱 conjugal love;affectionate;
恩比天大 One's kindness and benevolence is as great as heaven.;
恩比天高 One's concern [kindness] is higher than the sky.;
恩仇 debt of gratitude and of revenge;
恩仇未报 have not settled old accounts恩赐 bestow (favours,charity,etc.);favour;charity;
恩德 favour;kindness;grace;
恩典 favour;grace;kindness;grand special favour;benevo ̄ lence;
恩惠 favour;kindness;grace;bounty;
恩将仇报 return kindness with ingratitude [hatred];bite the hand that feeds one;He repays the kindness that was shown him with ingratitude.;One's generosity was reciprocated with animosity.;quit [repay] love with hate;requite [return] evil for good;requite kindness with enmity;requite love with hate;return sb.'s generous act with enmity;take a good deed and change it into evil for sb.;
恩礼有加 shower sb. with favours and courtesy;
恩情 loving-kindness;love;kindness;
恩人 benefactor;
恩人自居 play the benefactor;assume the airs of a benefactor;
恩深似海 One's kindness to someone has been as vast as the sea.;Such mercy (as you have shown) is deeper than the deepest sea.;
恩深义重 deep favour and weighty righteousness;profound and great in kindness;The spiritual debt is deep and great.;
恩师 a teacher to whom one is greatly indebted;one's respected teacher;
恩同雨露 One's grace is like rain and dew.;
恩同再造 Your goodness has made me a new man.;a favour tantamount to giving sb. a new lease on life;as merciful as if having rebuilt one's character;
恩威并用 apply the carrot and stick judiciously;
恩威兼施 temper justice with mercy;alternate kindness with severity;employ both kindness and severity;justice tempered with mercy;severity well tempered with gentleness;
恩信相孚 bound by natural ties of kindness on one side and devotion on the other;
恩义 spiritual debt;gratitude;
恩怨 feeling of gratitude or resentment [enmity];resentment;grievance;old scores;
恩怨分明 Kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished.;discriminate between love and hate;
恩泽 [旧] bounties bestowed by a monarch or an official;
恩重如山 favours weighty as a mountain;a great debt of gratitude;
恩准 approved by His Majesty





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