恨hènⅠ (仇视;怨恨) hate: ~ 得咬牙切齿 grind one's teeth with hatred; 他因这件事 ~ 我。 He hates me for it. Ⅱ (悔恨;不称心) regret: 抱 ~ have a gnawing regret; 遗 ~ eternal regret ◆恨不相逢未嫁时 regret meeting a true lover only after one's marriage;What a pity that we didn't meet before you and I were married!;恨不得 very anxious to;itch to;how one wishes one could; 恨得牙痒 gnash one's teeth with hatred; 恨得要命 burning with inveterate hatred; 恨海 deep hatred; 恨人 a misanthrope [misanthropist];a sentimental person; 恨如头醋 as bitter as the sourest vinegar — extremely bitter; 恨入骨髓 hate to the marrow (of one's bones); 恨事 a matter for regret;a regrettable thing; 恨天怨地 utter maledictions against the whole world; 恨铁不成钢 be exasperated at sb.'s failure to make good;regret that one's offspring does not live up to one's expectations; 恨透了 hate to the utmost degree;detest; 恨晚 regret that sth. happened too late; 恨之入[切]骨 hate someone to the core [marrow];cherish bitter hatred;consumed with hatred for ...;harbour an intense [bitter] hatred (for sb.);hate ... like anything;hate ... like poison;hate sb. to the marrow of one's bones;hate with all one's soul;have a deep-seated hatred (for sb.);(His) hatred goes to (his) marrow.;Hatred has penetrated the bones.;Hatred is so bitter that ... |