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单词 bind
释义 bind /baind; baind/ vt, vi ( pt, pp bound) /baund; baund/ 1 [VP6A, 15B, 14] ~ (to); ~ (together) (with), tie or fasten, with rope, etc: (以绳等) 束; 缚澜; 绑; 扎: They bound his legs (together) so that he shouldn't escape. 他们把他的两腿绑起来使他不能逃跑。 Joan of Arc was bound to the stake and burnt to death. 圣女贞德被绑在火刑柱上烧死。 The prisoner was bound hand and foot, His arms and legs were tied. 那囚犯手足被绑。 (fig) (喻): Commerce ~s the two countries together. 贸 R 把这两国连结起来 (使关系密切) 。 We are bound to him by gratitude/by a close friendship. 我们对他有感激之情 (有亲密的友情) 。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ ( with), secure the edge of sth with tape, braid, etc: (用带子、花边等) 棍 (边); 镶 (边): ~ the edge of a carpet, to prevent fraying; 给地毯衬边 (以防磨损); ~ the cuffs of a jacket with leather. 在短外衣的袖口编皮边。 3 [VP6A, 15B] ~ (up), tie or wind sth round: 色扎: ~ up a wound. 包扎伤口。 Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large handkerchief. 在打扫房屋之前,她把她的头发用一条大手帕包起来。 4 [VP6A, 15A, B] ~ (up), fasten (sheets of paper) into a cover: 装订: ~ a a pair of binoculars book; 装订一本书; a well-bound book; 一本装订优良的书; bound in leather; 皮面精装的; ~ up two books into one volume. 将两本书发订成一册 [VP2A in progressive tenses only 仅用于进行式] The new impression is ~ing, is being bound. 新版本正在装订中。 5 [VP6A, 15B, 2A] ~ (up/together), hold or stick together in a solid mass: (使) 结成京块; (使) 凝固: Frost ~s the soil. 霜使土壤凝结。 The ground is frost-bound, frozen hard. 地面被霜凝结 To Clay ~s (= becomes hard) when it is baked. 话土被烘即行固结。 Stones bound together with cement make good roads. 石头与水泥贴结在一起可以建造好道路。 Some kinds of food ~ the bowels/ are ~ing, cause constipation. 有些种类的食物会引起便秘。 6 [VP17A, 14, 15B, 16B] ~ sb to do sth/to sth, hold (sb) (by legal agreement, a promise, or under penalty) to a certain course of action: (因契约、允诺或处以惩罚而) 使 (某人) 负有义务; 使必须; 使应当: ~ sb to pay a debt; 使某人必须偿债; ~ sb to secrecy, make him promise to keep sth secret. 使某人答虑守密。 ~ oneself to do sth, promise, undertake, guarantee, to do it. 答应、许诺、保证做某事。 ~ sb over (to keep the peace, etc), order that he must appear before the judge again (if he fails to keep the peace, etc). 令某人具结必须再出庭 (如果他妨碍治安等) 。 - sb over (as an apprentice) (to sb), make an agreement that he shall be one: 立约使某人为 (某人之) 学徒: The boy was bound over as an apprentice to a carpenter. 那男孩经立约为一木匠之学徒。 7 [VP2A] (dated sl) complain; carp: (过时俚语) 抱怨; 吹毛求疵: Oh, do stop ~ing! 哦,别再埋怨了! 8 0 bound, for special uses of the pp. 过去分词之特殊用法参看 boundo ~er n 1 person who ~s, esp a 'book- ~er. 包扎者; 总绑东西的人; 棍边者; (尤指) 装订书籍者。 2 thing that ties or holds things together, eg a machine, or part of a machine, that cuts and ~s grain; loose cover for unbound magazines; substance such as cement or bitumen for joining things. 用以绑缚或接合之物; 扎结器 (如刈禾扎结机,或刈禾机之刈禾并扎结成绳之部份); (不装订之杂志之) 活页封面; 起粘固作用之物 (如水泥或沥青) 。 '~-ery n place where books are bound. 装订厂; 装订所。 ~ing adj be ~ing on/upon, ~ (6) or oblige sb to do sth: 有约束力的; 有束缚力的: an agreement that is ~ing on/upon all parties. 对于各方面均有拘束力的协定。 O also bind (5). o n [C, U] (esp) (尤指) 1 bookcover. 书籍亩君皮。 2 strip, braid, etc for protecting an edge or a seam (of a garment, etc). (保护衣边或衣缝等的) 花边; 编条。




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