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单词 woman
释义 woman /'wumsn; 'wuman/ n (pl women) /'wimin; 'wimin/ 1 adult female human being: 妇女; 女人: men, women and children; 男人、女人和儿童; a single (→ unmarried) ~ ; 未婚女子; 独身女子; a ~ of the world, one with experience of society, not young and innocent; 深通世故的女人; (attrib; to be preferred to lady) (M 容用法; 比 lady 更为通用) a , ~ 'doctor (pl 复数为 twomen 'doctors); 女医生; a 'driver (pl 复数为。 women 'drivers)-, 女驾驶员; a ca'reer- ~,with a career; 职业妇女; a 'country- ~,who lives and works in the country; 乡下妇女; a 'needle-—, expert at sewing, etc. 善缝籾的妇女; 善女红的妇女。 2 [U] (without article) the female sex. (不加冠词)女性; 女流。 3 [U] feminine character: 女子性格; 女子特质: All the ~ in her rebelled against the treatment she was receiving. 女性的尊严使她反抗所受到的待遇。 '~ hood /-hud; izhud/ n [U] 1 (collective) women in general. (集合用法)女人。 2 the state of being a ~: (女人)成年期; 女人的特性: She had now grown to/ reached ~ hood. 她现在已经成年了。 ~ish /-ij; -ij/ adj of, like, for women. 女入的; 像女人的; 为女人的。. ~ize /-aiz; -Zaiz/ vi pursue women (esp for casual sexual intercourse). 追求女色; (无指)玩女人。 ~izer n man who does this. 恒求女色者; 玩女人者。 , ~ .kind n women in general. 安性; 妇女的总福。 '~-like, —ly adj like a ~. 像安人的 < folk /'wiminfauk; 'vvimin,folc/ n pl women; women of one's family. 妇女; (家中的 j 女眷。 women- women ui unc i amiiy. 为 1 豕丿只甘 o




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