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单词 word
释义 word /wxd; W3d/ n 1 [C] sound or combination of sounds (or the written or printed symbols) forming a unit of the grammar or vocabulary of a language: 语; 言; 字; 词; (一种语言的)文法单位成字汇单位: When yve speak we put our thoughts into ~s. 我们说话时,是用言语表达我们的思想 0Ihave no ~s to cannot adequately) express my gratitude. 我找不到适当的言词来表达我的谢意。町 ~s failed him, He could not express his thoughts, his emotion, etc in ~s. 他呐呐不能言。 a play on/ upon ~s. a pun. 双关语; 俏皮话。 be not the ~ for it, not an adequate or satisfactory description: 非恰当字眼; 不是恰当的或令人满意的描述: Warm's not the ~ for it (ie hot is perhaps a better ~)!'暖和'不是恰当的字眼 (' 炎热'也许更恰当)! not get a ~ in edgeways, edgeways, (repeat sth) ~ for ~, exactly, with no changes or omissions. 正确地; 不改变亦不省略地 (复述某事) . (translate sth) ~ for ~, literally. 逐字地 (翻译); 照字面 (翻译); 直译。 Cf 参较 a free translation, in a/one ~, briefly; to sum up. 简言之; 一句话; 总之。 by ~ of mouth, in spoken, not written, ~s. 口成地。 2 [C] sth said; remark or statement: 所说的话; 谈话; 言辞: He didn't say a ~ about it. 他对那件事只字未提。 I don't believe a ~ of the story. 这派事我一点也不相信。 Mr A will now say a few ~s, make a few remarks, give a short address. A 先生现在要说几句话。 Don't waste ~ on that fellow, don't try to persuade, convince, warn, etc him. 不要同那家伙费口舌(不必想劝吿、说服、警吿他等)。 eat one's ~s, admit that one was wrong; take one's ~s back and apologize. 认错; 收回前言并道歉; 认错道歉。 have a ~ with sb, speak to him. 同某人说一两句话。 have ~s (with sb), quarrel: (同某人)口角: They've had ~s, 1 hear. 他们有过争吵,我听到的。 have the last ~, make the final remark in an argument, esp by making a retort to which there is no good answer. 在辩论中作'最后的辩驳(尤指说出对方无法回驳的话)。 put in/say a good ~ (for sb), speak on his behalf (to support or defend). (K 某人)进言或说项。 suit the action to the ~, do at once what one has said one will do (eg of a threat). 说了就做; 说做就做(如威胁)。 take sb at his ~, act on the belief that he means what he says. 把某人的话信以为真; 相信某人的话。 big ~s, boasting. 大话; 吹牛。 on/with the ~, as soon as sth has been said. 说了这话以后(立即…)。 a ~ in/out of season, a piece of advice given when it is welcome and helpful/unwelcome and inters ering. 合(不合)时宜的忠言。 the last ~ on fa subject), statement, etc which includes the latest views and information: 有关(某问题)的最近的见解及消息: The last ~ has not yet been said on this subject, There will be further facts, views, etc. 这问题尚未成定论(尚有进一步的发现、观点等)。 the last ~ (in sth), the latest, most up-to-date, etc, in: 为(某事物或某方面)的最近或最新式者: Our coach tours of Scotland are the last ~ in comfort and convenience. 我们乘长途汽车去苏格兰的旅游, 就舒适与方便上的设备而言,是最新式的了。 3(sing, without def art) news; information: (单数,不用吏冠词)消息; 音讯: Please send me ~ of your safe arrival. 请尽早把你平安到达的消息吿诉我。 Please leave ~ for me at work. 请在我上班处留言。 W~ came that I was wanted at home. 家里传来消息要我回去。 4 (sing only, with a possessive) promise; assurance. (仅用单数,与所有格连用)诺言; 保证。 be as good as one's ~, do what one promises: 守信: Don't worry — I'm sure he'll be as good as his ~. 不要担心 —— 我相信他不会食言。 give sb one's ~ (thatpromise: 允诺; 答应; 许下诺言: The goods will arrive on time — I give you my ~. 那批货会准时到达 —— 我向你保证。 keep/break one's ~, do/fail to do what one has promised to do. 守(爽)约; 守(失)信。 taka sb's '~ for it, believe what he says: 届信某人的话: I have no proof, but you may take my ~ for it. 我没有证据, 不过你 .可以相信我的话。 take sb at his ~, believe that he is telling the truth, that he will keep a promise. 相信某人的话是真的; 相信某人会信守诺言。 upon my ~, a on my honour. 一定; 的确; 我向你保证是这样。 b used as an exclamation of surprise. (用作惊讶的呼声)暧呀。 5 (sing only) command; order; spoken signal: (M用单数)号令; 命令; 口令; 口号: The officer gave the ~ to fire. 军官下令射击。 His ~ is law, His orders must be obeyed, 他的命令就是法律。 You must give the ~ before you can pass. 你必须说出口令才能通过。 password at pass (10). 6 (in the Christian religion) (基督教) the W~ (of God); God's W~, a the Scriptures, esp the Gospel: 圣经; (尤指)福音书: preach the 附~. 传福音。 b title of Jesus Christ. 耶稣基督之称谓。 7 (compounds) (复合字) '~book n vocabulary; list of ~s with meanings, etc. 字汇; 单字表; 字典。 '~-division n [U] dividing of the spelling of a ~, eg at the end of a line on a page. 断字; 断字法 (按照音节将某字分开的方法, 如在一行的末尾所为) 。 ‘ ~-painter n person who can describe vividly in ~s. 擅长以文字作生动描述者。 I 'perfect adj knowing, able to repeat, a poem, a part in a play, etc by heart. 熟记或背诵诗歌、台词等的。 '~-picture n vivid description in ~s. 生动的文字描述。 '~-splitting n [U] sophistry; making of distinctions of meaning, etc that are subtle. 诡辩; 咬文嚼字; 过细叫词义分辨。 vt [VP6A] express in ~s: 说; 言; 以言辞表达: a well ~ed letter. 措辞得当的信。 The suggestion might be ~ed more politely. 那项建议的措辞可以更婉转些。 ~ing n (sing only) way in which sth is expressed; choice of ~s to express meaning: (仅用单数) 表达法; 语法; 措辞; 用字: N different ~ing might make the meaning clearer. 换一个说法可能使意义更为明白。 ~less adj without ~s; not put into ~s: 无话的; 未明说的: ~less grief. 无言的悲戚。 wordy adj (-ier, -iest) using, expressed in, a large number of ~s, esp unnecessary ~s: 多言的; 冗长的; (尤指) 废话连篇的; 唠叨的: a ~ telegram; 冗长的电报; ~y warfare, ie argument. 论战。 ~ily /-ill; -ill/ adv ~iness n




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