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单词 wolf
释义 wolf /wulf; wulf/ n (pl wolves) /wulvz; wulvz/ wild, flesh-eating animal of the dog family, hunting in packs. 狼。 cry ~,raise false alarms: 作虚假的警报: You've cried ~ too often (suggesting that genuine cries for help will in future be 'ignored). 你作虚假的警报次数太多了(意谓以后真有需要请人帮忙时,就没有人理会了)。 a ~ in sheep's clothing, person who appears friendly but is really an enemy. 披着羊皮的狼; 外貌友善的敌人。 keep food for oneself and one's family. 能够免于饥或; 勉强可维持生活。 '~ 's-bane n aconite. 附子; 草乌头。 '~-cub n a young 小狼。 b (former name for) junior Boy Scout (now Cub Scout). 幼童军 (Junior Boy Scout 的暨称,现称作 Cub Scout)。 ' ~- hound n large dog originally bred for hunting wolves. 猎狼犬。 whistle n whistle expressing sexual admiration. J 美异性容貌、对异性表示爱慕或作挑逗时吹出的口哨。 vt [VP6A, 15A] eat quickly and greedily: 狼呑虎咽: ~ (down) one's food. U 二二二二一一 isk /-ij; -ij/ adj of or Hke-a ~:值的; 匝狼的:。 ~ish appetite. 强烈的食欲。




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