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单词 wobble
释义 wobble /'wobl; 'wabl/ vi, vt [VP2A, C, 6A] (cause to) move unsteadily from side to side; (fig) be uncertain (in opinions, in making decisions, etc): (使)摆动; 摇动; 震颤 ; ( 喻) (在意见、主张等方面)游移不定: This table ~s. 这张桌子不稳。 The front wheels of that car ~. 那辆汽车的前轮摆动。 Don't ~ the desk. 不要摇动书桌。 He ~d between two opinions. 他在两个意见之间游移不定。 Her voice sometimes ~ on high notes, Her high notes are not always steady. 她的高音有时不稳定。 wobbler /'wobh(r); 'wablw/ n sb or sth that ~s. 摆动、震麒、游移不定的人或刍。 wobbly /'wobli; 'wabli/ adj not firm or steady; inclined to ~: 不得定的; 会摆动的; 震顿的: a wobbly chair. 不稳的椅子。 He's still a bit wobbly on his legs after his long illness. 久病之后,他而腿仍然有一点震颜。




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