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单词 control
释义 control1 /kan'traol; kan'trol/ n 1 [U] power or authority to direct, order, or restrain: 指挥、命令或限制的权力; 管理; 管辖; 监督; 支配; 控制; 克制; 抑制: children who lack parental ~, who are not kept in order by parents. 缺乏父母管束的孩子们。 be in ~ (of), be in command, in charge. 握有 (对… 的) 控制力; 控制。 be/come/bring/get under ~, be, become, cause to be, under authority, under manage or contain: 不能驾驭或控制; 失去对… 的控制 lose ~ of one's temper. 不能抑制自己的脾气。 take ~ (of), take authority: 管辖; 管理; 控制: We must find someone to take overall ~ of this project. 我们必须找个人来总揽这个计划。 2 [U] management; guidance: 管制; 指导: ~ of traffic/ traffic ~; 交通管制; ~ of foreign exchange. 外汇管制。 'birth- ~ n planning of the number of births, eg by the use of contraceptives. (借使用避孕器或避孕药等的) 节育。 3 [C] means of regulating, restraining, keeping in order; check: 管理、限制、控制的手段: Government ~s on trade and industry. 政府对工商业的管制。 The chairman s power to veto a proposal is a over what the committee may do. 主席对于提议的否决权,是限制委员会权力的一种手段。 4 [C] standard of comparison for results of an experiment: (鉴定实验结果的) 比较标准: The tests were given to three groups, Group Two being used as a ~. 受测验者有三组,以第二恒为比较标准。 We must make more ~ experiments. 我们必须多做有比较标准的实验。 5 (usu pl) means by which a machine, etc is operated or regulated: (通常用复数) (机器等的) 操纵装置: the ~s of an aircraft, for direction, altitude, etc; 飞机的操纵装置 (借以控制方向、高度等); a car with dual ~ s/ a dual- ~ car; 一部双操纵装置的车子; the ~ of a transistor radio, eg the volume ~, regulating the volume of sound; 电晶体收音机的各种控制器 (如音量控制器); the '~ tower of an airport, for regulating air traffic. (航空站指挥飞机活动的) 指挥塔; 塔台。 6 [C] station at which cars taking part in a race may stop for overhaul, etc. (参加赛车的汽车可以停车接受检修等的) 检修站。 7 [C] (spiritualism) spirit actuating a medium (4). (招魂术) 丽使灵媒的精灵。




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