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Ⅰ ❶ (志向; 志愿) aspiration; ambition; ideal; will: 立 ~ be determined to do; dedicate oneself to a cause; 得 ~ achieve one's ambition; 有 ~ 之士 a person with high ideals or lofty aspirations
❷ (文字记录) records; annals: 人物 ~ biographical notes and data; 县 ~ annals of a county; 《三国 ~》 “History of the Three Kingdoms”
❸ (记号) mark; sign: 交通标 ~ traffic signs
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 远 Zhi Yuan Ⅱ ❶ (记) keep in mind; bear in mind: 永 ~ 不忘 forever bear in mind
❷ [方] (称轻重; 量长短) weigh; measure
◆志哀 indicate mourning; 志大才疏 have great ambition but little talent; have ability unequal to the great task one sets oneself; have high aspirations but little ability; 志得意满 fully satisfied or contented; complacent; look like the cat who ate [swallowed] the canary; self-satisfied; 志留纪 Silurian; 志留系 {地质} Siluric; Silurian system; 志气 aspiration; ambition; morale; 志趣 aspiration and interest; inclination; bent; aspiration; 志士 person of ideals and integrity; honest patriot; 志同道合 cherish the same ideals and follow the same path; be in the same camp; have a common goal; have similar ideals and beliefs; hit it off well together; get on with someone; like-minded; share the same views; 志向 aspiration; ideal; ambition; 志愿 aspiration; wish; ideal; do sth. of one's own free will; volunteer; voluntarily; 志愿军 people who volunteer to fight in another country; volunteers; 志愿书 application form







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