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单词 loose
释义 loose1 /lu: s; lus/ adj (-r, -st) 1 free; not held, tied up, fastened, packed, or contained in sth: 无约束的; 松开的; 未受束缚的: Many Englishmen carry their small change (ie coins) ~ in their trouser pocket, not in a purse. 许多尧国人将零钱放置在神子口袋内,而不放在钱袋内。 That dog is too dangerous to be left ~. 那狗太危险,不可放开。 break/get ~,escape confinement: 自拘禁中逃出: One of the tigers in the zoo has broken/got has escaped from its cage. 动物园中有一只虎自笼中逃出来了。 lot sth ~rallow it to be free from control: 任其自由; 放任: He let ~ his indignation, did not control it, 福发泄他的愤慨。 box, separate compartment in a stable or railway van, in which a horse can move about freely. (马既或运货火车中之)马匹 fl 由活动间。 leaf attrib adj (of a notebook) with leaves that may be detached separately and replaced. (指笔记本 j 活页的。 2 not close-fitting; not tight or tense: 不骚的; 宽森的: a ~ collar; 宽建的衣领; ~-fitting clothes. 宽大的衣服。 3 moving more freely than is right or usual: 不牢的; 松弛的: a ~ tooth; 松动的牙齿; ~ bowels, with a tendency to diarrhoea; 泻 flt; a ~ thread; 辍弛的线; a ~ window, one that shakes or rattles in the wind. 不牢亩的窗子。 come ~, (of a fastening, etc) come unfastened or insecure. (指缚系物等)解开; 变甄。 have a screw ~, (colloq) be unsound in one's mind. (俗)心智不健良。 have a ~ tongue, be in the habit of talking too freely. 爱多嘴的; 喜欢饶舌的。 ride with a ~ rein, a allow the horse freedom. 放卷缠绳。 b (fig) manage a person indulgently. 放任; 纵容。 work ~, (of a bolt, etc) become insecure, no longer tight. (指螺钉等)雾弛。 4 not firmly or properly tied: 未系牢的: a ~ knot; 未系牢的结; a ~ end of rope, one that is not fastened. 绳子未系牢的一端。 st s — end. (fig of a person) having nothing to do. (喻, 指人)无事做的。 5 (of talk,J) e-haviour, etc) not sufficiently controlled: (指言行等)不严谨的; 放荡的: ~ conduct; 放荡的行为; lead a ~ life; 过放荡的生活; a ~ (= immoral) woman. 放荡曲安子。 (be) on the ~, (colloq) free from the restraints of morality or discipline; dissipated. (俗)放荡; 耽于游乐。 Play fast and ~ (with sb). behave dishonestly or in a deceitful manner. U 骗; 欺诈。 6 not strict; inexact; indefinite; (of translations) not close to the original: 不严格的; 不精确的; 不确定的; (指翻译)不忠于原著的: ~ think- 访 g,. 不严密的思想; a ~ thinker; 思想不严密的人; a ~ (=badly constructed) argument. 不严密的论据。 7 not compact; not closely packed: 蠢散的; 呆包装紧的: ~ soil; 雾土; cloth with a ~ weave. 辙得森的布。 8 (of the human body) not closely knit: (指人体)不结实的: a ~ frame; 不结宽的体格; ~ limbs, rather awkward, ungainly in appearance; 笨拙难看的四肢; (of bodily actions) careless, bungling or inaccurate: (指身体动作)随便的; 笨拙的; 不准确的: ~ bowling and fielding (in cricket). (板球戏中)不准确的掷出与游掷。~坪 adv in a ~ manner: 慌开地; 宽松地; 松弛地; 不精确地; 不严格地; 放荡地: words ~ly employed, c6 above; 用得不精确的字(参看上列话 6 义); rules ~ly enforced. 未严格执行的法规。




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