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单词 lord
释义 lord /lad; brd/ n 1 supreme male ruler: 最高统治者; 君主: sovereign ~ the King. 我们的君主。 2 the L~, God; Christ. 上帝; 基督。 [ ~ God! Good L~ 1 L~ knows! £ ~ bless us/ me! exclamations of surprise, etc. 天啊!暧呀! 咬啲! Our L~, Christ. 耶稣基督。 the L~s Day, Sunday. 主日; 星期日。 the 上 ~ 's 'Prayer, that given by Jesus to his followers. 主祷文 。the 上 ~ 's 'Supper, the taking of bread and wine to commemorate the last meal taken by Jesus Christ with his twelve disciples before his death. 圣餐(吃面包和酒以纪念耶稣及其十二门徒共进最后晚餐之仪式)。 3 peer; nobleman: 贵族: live/treat sb like a ~, sumptuously. 过奢华的生活(把某人视做王公一般接待)。 as drunk as a ~, excessively drunk. 酩酊美醉。 the House of L~s, (in GB) the upper division of Parliament, consisting of the ~s spiritual (the Archbishops and Bishops) and the ~s temporal (hereditary and life peers (英国之)上议院(议员中包括主敎和贵族)。 4 (in feudal times) superior. (封建时代之)领主。 the ~of the manor, man from whom vassals held land and to whom they owed service. 领主。 5 (joc, also 谑, 亦作 ~ and master) husband; great leader of industry: 丈夫; 夫君; 工业界领袖; 实业巨子: the 'cotton ~s. 棉业界领袖。 (cf 参较 'beer barons); the ~s of creation, mankind (contrasted with the animals). 人类(以别于动物)。 6 person in a position of authority: 权要: the L~s of the Admiralty/ Treasury, the chief members of these Boards; (英)海军部(财政部)的要员; the First L~ of the Admiralty, the president of this Board. 海军部长。 7 first word in many official titles: 用作许多官衔的第一字: the L~ Mayor of London; 伦敦市长; the L~ Chamberlain, etc. 宫务大臣等。 8 title prefixed to names of peers and barons: 对贵族或男爵的尊称; 勋爵: L~ Derby. 德贝勋爵。 Cf 参较 the Earl of Derby. 德贝伯爵。 9 My ~, respectful formula for addressing certain noblemen and judges and bishops. 阁下(对某些贵族,法官及主敎的尊称)。 vt (chiefly in) (主用于) ~ it over sb, rule over like a ~:作威作福; 盛气凌人; 专横覇道 ,I will not be ~ed over', she said to her husband. '我不愿受人主宰',她向她丈夫说。 ~kss adj without a ~. 无贵族的; 无君王的; 无主的。




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