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单词 loss
释义 loss /los US: las; bs/ n 1 [U] act or fact or process of losing: 疽失; 丧失; 遗矣: ~ of blood; 失血; ~时 prestige. 丧美声望。 L~ of health is more serious than ~ of money. 健康的丧失较金钱的损失尤为严重。 The ~ of his heavyweight title doesn't seem to worry him. 重量级筝王头衔的丧失似乎并不使他烦恼。 The ~ of so many ships worried the Admiral. 这么多舰只的损失使 IE 队司令忧愁。 2 [U] (and with indef art) failure to keep, maintain or use: (与不定冠词连用)未能保住; 未保持; 未能利用: a heavy ~; 严重损失; ~ of opportunities; 机会的失去; without (any) ~ of time. 未浪费时间。 There was a temporary ~ of power. 暂时失去势力。 3 [U],failure to win or obtain: 输; 未 UM: the ~ of a contract. 未获承包。 4 [C] that which is lost: 损失物; 丧失物; 损耗: sell sth at a ~; 亏本卖出某物; suffer heavy ~es in war, men killed, wounded, captured; ships and aircraft lost. 战争中遭受重大损失(即士兵伤亡或被俘,战舰和飞机被毁)。 点 gain', profit1 (2). s total ~,sth from which nothing can be saved: 完全损失: The ship was wrecked and became a total ~. 那条船失蕾,全部损失了。 I 一 'leader n (comm) article, etc sold at a ~ in order to attract customers to buy other goods. (商)为招藻顾客亏本贾出的货物。 5 (sing only) disadvantage or deprivation: (仅用单数)不利; 剥夺: Such a man is no great ~, We need not regret losing his services. 损失这样一个人并不遗憾。 be a dead ~, (colloq, of a person) be quite worthless: (俗, 指人)毫无用处: We'd better fire Smith-He's a dead ~. 我们最好辞退史密斯 —— 他毫无用处。 6 (be) at a ~ for sth/to dp sth, be perplexed, uncertain: 困惑; 不知济措: He was at a for words/fo know what to say, did not know how to express himself. 他不知道说些什么好。




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