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单词 lose
释义 lose /lu: z; luz/ vt, vi (pt, pp lost) /lost US: Ixst; bst/ 1 [VP6A] no longer have; have taken away from one by accident, carelessness, misfortune, death, etc: 失去; 损失; 丧失: ~ oie's money; 损失金钱; ~ a leg, eg in a road accident; 失去一腿(例如在车祸中); ~ a lot of money at the races (by betting); 赌赛马输了很多钱; ~ one's balance, fall over. 快倒。 He lost two sons in the war, They were killed. 他有两个儿子在战争中阵亡。 She lost her husband, He is dead. 她的丈夫已去世。 He has lost his job, has been dismissed. 他矣弃了。 You're losing your hair, getting bald. 你的成发渐渐脱落了。 She has lost her good looks, is no longer good-looking. 她白失去她的美貌。 It was so cold that we lost the use of our hands, could not use them. 天太冷,我们的手都冻僵了 0He's losing patience, is becoming impatient. 他失去耐心了。 ~ one's cool, (colloq) lose one's composure; be no longer calm or composed. (俗)失去镇定; 心情慌乱。 ~ ground, ground1 (2). ~ one's head, 6 head'(19). ~ heart. cheart(2 ~ one's heart to sb, cheart(2). ~ interest (in sb/ sth), cease to be interested in, attracted by. (对某人或某物)失去兴趣; 不再引起兴趣。~。脾 's,easm/ senses, become insane or wildly excited, 失去理性; 发狂。 ~ one's temper, become angry. 试怒。 A to B. have A taken away by B: A被 B 取而代之: The little grocery shop is losing all its customers to the new supermarket. 那个小杂货店的顾客都跑到新开的超级市场去了。 ~ touch (with). ctouch'(6). 2 (passive) be lost, disappear; die; be dead: (N 动语态)失踪; 死; 死去 The ship and all its crew were lost. 该船及其侨有船员皆失踪了。 Is letter-writing a lost art, Has the art of writing (social) letters died, eg because of the use of the telephone? 通信术已被淘汰了吗(例如由于电话之采用)? be lost to sth, be no longer affected by, be insensible to, eg all sense of shame, decency, honour, duty. 不为(羞耻,体面,荣誉心, 责任感等)所动; 对…无感觉。 be lost in sth, be deeply occupied or filled with, eg thought, wonder, admiration. 沉入(思想,惊异,羡慕等)中。 3 [VP6A] (contrasted with find, recover) be unable to find: (与 find, recover 相对)遗失; 失落; 找不到: I've lost the keys of my car. 我伺汽车钥纯丢了 oThe books seem to be lost/to have been lost. 那些书好像不见了。 She lost her husband in the crowd. 妬和她夭夫在人群中走散了。 ~ one's place, (in a book, etc) be unable to find the page, paragraph, etc where one stopped reading. (读书等)忘记上次读到的地方。 ~ oneself/one's way. get lost, be unable to find the right way, road, etc; not know where one is: 迷路: The children lost their way in the forest. 孩子们在森林中迷了路。 We lost our way in the dark. 我们在黑暗中迷了路。 I hope the children haven't got lost/lost themselves. 我希望孩子们没有迷路。 ~ sight of sth, a overlook; fail to take account of: 忽视; 忽略: We mustn't ~ sight of the fact that.... 我们切不可忽视之事实。 b no longer be able to see: 看不见: The early navigators disliked losing sight of land. 早期的航海探险者嫌恶望不见陆地。 We lost sight of him in the crowd. 我们在人群里看不见他了。 ~ the thread of sth, eg an argument, → thread. 失去(例如议论的)条理。 ~ one's tongue, tongue. ~ track of sth, → track. 4 [VP6A] (contrasted with catch) be too late for; fail to hear, see, etc: (与 catch 相对) 未能赶上; 未能听到,看见等:~ (more usu 较常用 miss) one's train/the bus; 未赶上火车(公共汽室); ~ the post, get to the post office, etc too late for the collection; 未赶上邮局收信的时间; ~ ( = not hear) the end of a sentence. 汲电见一句的末尾。 What he said was lost in the applause that greeted him. 他的话被对他的喝采声淹没了。 5 [VP12C] cause (sb) the loss of: 使(某人)姐失: Such insolence will ~ you your situation. 如止无礼的态度将会使你失去你的职位。 This remark lost him our sympathy. 此话使我们对他失去了同情心。 6 [VP6A, 2A] fail to win, be defeated: 未能获胜; 备; 失败: ~ a game/a match/a battle/a war/a lawsuit/a prize; 比赛输了 (云输; 战败; 败诉; 未能应奖); ~ a motion, fail to carry it in a debate. (辩论中)未能使一项动议获得支持。 a lost cause, one that has already been defeated or is sure to be defeated. 已失败或注定失败的主义, 运动等。 (play) a losing game, one in which defeat is [ 汰 ely or certain. (参加)多半或必定会输的比赛。 ~ out (to), (colloq) be overcome and replaced (by): (俗)被液而代乏: Has the cinema lost out to TV? 电影已被电视取代吗? 7 [VP6A, 15A, 3A] ~ by/in/ on sth, be or become worse: 受亏损; 蒙损害: You will ~ nothing by waiting, will not suffer any loss. 等待不会使你吃亏。 Will the publisher ~ by it, be worse off because of publishing the book? 出版商会为(出版)这本书受损失吗? How much did he ~ on the transaction? 该项交易使他受到多少亏损? The story does not ~ in the telling, is not made less interesting, is perhaps exaggerated. 这故事讲起来照样有趣(或许有些夸张)。 8 [VP2A, B] (of a watch or clock) go too slowly; fail to keep correct time because of this: (指孩表)走得太慢曲慢而不准确: Does your watch gain or ~? 你的表祖亍还是慢了? My watch ~s two minutes a day. 我的表一天慢两分钟。 9 [VP6A] spend time, opportunity, efforts to no purpose; waste: 浪费(时间,机会,窈力): There's not a moment to ~. 没有房面苛浪首了。 I shall ~ no time in doing it, shall do it at once. 我将即刻做此事。 be lost upon sb, fail to influence or attract the attention of: 未能影响或引起注意: My hints were not lost upon him, They were noted. 我的暗示受到了他的注意。 10 ~ oneself in sth, (reflex) become engrossed in it: (反身)专心于某事; 埋头于某事: She lost herself in a book, became so deeply interested in it that she was unaware of other things. 她在埋头读一本书 ♦ ~r n person who ~s or is defeated: 输言; 关败者: He's a good/bad ~r, is cheerful/discon-tented when he ~s. 他是个输得起(不起)的人。




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