释义 |
心照不宣xīn zhào bù xuānhave a tacit understanding (/agreement); no need to express oneself in so many words; take wordless counsel;understand each other without explanation ❍ 哦,哦,那算是我多说了,你是老门槛,我们~,是不是!(茅盾《子夜》314) Oh,I’m sorry if I’ve said more than I needed.I was forgetting you’re an old hand at the game. You natarully prefer to give me your tacit consent. Am I right?/道静的同情代替了憎恶,她看着大娘,大娘也看着她,两个人都~地互相望着。(杨沫《青春之歌》299)Sympathy took the place of Daojing’s distrust as they exchanged looks of mutual understanding. ❍ 后来两人都被派到重庆大学活动,又成了同学,不过各有任务,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》113) Later on,both had been sent to Chongqing University,once more becoming“schoolmates”. However,each had had his own mission and they pretended not to know each other. ❍ 明白这一点,对于所谓 “隐士” 也就毫不诧异了,~,彼此都省事。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—133) Once we understand this,we need not be shocked by hermits. We can understand them without making any comment,and that will save both sides trouble. 心照不宣having a tacit understanding 心照不宣have a tacit understanding;give tacit consent; implied by silent acquiescence; understand each other without speaking a word 心照不宣xīn zhào bù xuān照:知道;宣:说出。彼此心里明白,而不公开说出。have a tacit understanding, take wordless counsel, understood but not expressed |