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单词 bar
释义 bar1 /ba(r); bar/ n 1 long piece of hard, stiff material (eg metal, wood, soap, chocolate). 棒; 条(如金属、木、肥皂、巧克力糖)。 2 rod or rail, rigid length of wood or metal, across a door, window or gate, or forming part of a grate (in a fireplace or furnace) or grid: 横杠; 门窗之问; (炉架或纤栅上的)铁条: He was placed behind prison bars, put into a prison cell. 他被关在监华里。 3 barrier (across a road) that could not be passed (in former times) until a sum of money (called a toll) was paid: (昔日横在道路上俟纳税后始准通行之) 障碍物; 税卡门: a toll bar. 税卡门。 4 bank or ridge of sand, etc across the mouth of a river or the entrance to a bay, deposited by currents or tides, often hindering navigation: (河口或海湾之入口处由于流水或潮汐所造成常妨碍航行的)沙洲: The ship crossed the bar safely. 这船安全地渡过沙洲。 We stuck fast on the bar. 我们牢牢地搁浅在沙洲上。 5 (fig) barrier or obstacle; sth that hinders or stops progress: (喻)障碍; 阻碍物: Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 庭康不佳可能成为一生命事业成功的障碍。 Poverty is not always a bar to happiness. 贫穷不一定是幸福的障碍。 6 narrow band (of colour, light, etc): (色、光等之)带; 条; 纹: As the sun went down, there was a bar of red across the western sky. 日落时,西方天际有一道红晖。 7 strip of metal across the ribbon of (esp a military) medal to indicate either 奖章或勋章之饰带上的金属横条,表示 a that the holder has received the same award twice, 佩带者两次获得同样的功勋, or b that he has served in a particular field of operations. 佩带者曾参与某一战区作战。 8 (in music) vertical line across the stave marking divisions of equal value in time; one of these divisions and the notes in it: (ow(乐谱上划分各小节的)小节线; 小节: the opening bars of the Na- .tional Anthem. 国歌围头而数小节。 → the illus at notation. 参看 notation 之插图。 9 railing or barrier in a law court, separating the part where the business is carried on from the part for spectators: 法庭上将审讯场所与旁听席隔开的栏杆 . be tried at (the) Bar, be tried in open court, where everyone may see and hear, not secretly. 受公开审讯。 the prisoner at the bar, the accused person. 被吿。 10 (in Parliament) railing dividing off the space to which non-members are admitted (eg for examination by members); similar place in the US Senate, House of Representatives and State Legislatures. 英国国会中区划非议员席之栏杆(即非议员席); (美国参议院、众议院及州议会中的)非议员席。 11 (fig) sth that can be compared to a judge or examiner: (喻)可比做法官或审问者之事物; 制裁: m the bar of public opinion; 舆论的制裁; the bar of conscience. 良心的制裁。 12 the Bar, the profession of barrister; all those who have the right to act as barristers. 律师业; 律师界。 be called to the Bar, be received as a member of the Bar. 被接受充当律师; 获得律师资格。 read for the Bar, study to become a barrister. 读法律; 习法。 13 a (in an inn or public house) room, counter, where drinks (such as beer and spirits) are served: (客栈或酒馆里的)酒吧间; 卖酒柜台; 吧台; 酒吧: the Public Bar, 大众酒吧间, the Private Bar; for different classes of users. 私用酒吧间(供不同阶级使用者)。 b (in a hotel, licensed restaurant or private house) room with such a counter. (旅馆、有执照之养馆或私家之)酒吧间。 'bar.maid n woman who serves drinks at a bar(13). 酒吧女侍者。 'barman /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) man who does this. 酒吧男侍着。 'bartender n barmaid or barman. 酒咆气待; 酒吧侍者。 14 counter at which meals, etc are served and also eaten: 饮食贩卖部; 简便饮食柜台: a 'milk bar; 牛奶皈卖部; a quick-lunch bar. 午间快餐柜台。




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