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单词 bury
释义 bury /'ben; 'deri/ vt 1 [VP6A] place (a dead body) in the ground, in a grave or in the sea; (of a clergyman) perform the Burial Service over; (of relatives) lose by death: 埋葬 (尸体); 土葬; 海葬; (指牧师或神父) 为…举行葬礼; (指亲属) 丧: William Shakespeare is buried in the church at Stratford on Avon. 莎士比亚埋葬在亚芬河畔斯特拉福市的教堂里。 He was buried at sea. 他被海葬了。 Poor old Joe— he's dead and buried. 可怜雨玄畚 —— 他已死亡并且埋葬了。 She has buried five husbands. 她曾五度丧夫。 2 [VP6A, 22, 15A] put underground; cover vvyth earth, leaves, etc; cover up and forget; hide from view: 埋藏于地下; 以泥土、树叶等遮盖; 遮盖起来并且遗忘; 隐藏; 遮蔽; 隐匿: buried treasure. 埋藏的财宝。 You wouldn't like to be buried alive. 你不会喜欢被人活埋。 The dog buried the bone. 狗将骨头埋藏起来。 The end of the post was buried in the ground. 柱子的末端埋在地下。 The house was half buried under snow. 那有屋半载被埋在雪里。 She buried (= hid) her face in her hands. 她用双手蒙住她的脸。 ~ onese in the country, go to a place in the country where one will meet few people. 蛰居于乡间; 隐居于乡间。 ~ oneself in one s books/studies, give all one's time and attention to them. 埋头读书 (专 L 、致力研究) 。 be buried in thoughts/memories of the past, etc, be deep in thought, etc, paying no attention to other things. 沉思 (缅怀往事等) 。 ~ing-ground n cemetery. 墓地; 坟场。




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