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单词 四平八稳

四平八稳sì píng bā wěn

stead and sure; well balanced; well disposed; overcautious and lacking in initiative; play safe; not take a single risk
❍ 然而现在,恶作剧的小偷居然使得张太太~的物质生活崩坍了好大的一角! (《茅盾文集》Ⅲ—286) But now a wretched thief had collapsed a big corner of the material goods edifice Mrs Zhang had been so carefully building the past four years!/包在我身上,办的~!(茅盾《子夜》410)Just you leave it to me,and I’ll make a good job of it.
❍ 贾正虽说~地倒在炕上,上下眼皮也没有合上。(冯志《敌后武工队》 196) And though Jia Zheng lay quietly on the kang,his eyes did not close either.
❍ 我本来是一个~,给小酒馆打杂,混一口安稳饭吃的人,…… (鲁迅《热风·知识即罪恶》66) I used to be a steady sort of fellow,living comfortably enough from hand to mouth by doing odd jobs for small taverns,…/他办事~。He is always on the safe side in doing things.


well-balanced; stable and dependable;overcautious and lacking in initiative

四平八稳sì pínɡ bā wěn

形容身材匀称、举止端庄,做事稳当;也形容做事平稳,没有差错。very steady, leave nothing to chance, play it safe





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