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单词 bus
释义 bus /bAS; b.AS/ n 1 (= omnibus which is now dated) public conveyance that travels along a fixed route and takes up and sets down passengers at fixed points: (行驶一定路线并且在一定地点上下乘客之) 公共汽车 (昔称 omnibus): Shall we walk or go by bus? 我们是走鞍还是乘公共汽车? miss the bus, (colloq) be too late to use an opportunity. (俗) 坐失良机。 'bus-msn /-man; -man/ n bus-driver. 公关汽车驾 ,busman's 'holiday, leisure time spent in the same kind of occupation as one's ordinary work. 应该休息而仍旧照常工作的假日。 stop n fixed stopping place for buses. 公共汽车 (招呼) 站。 2 (sl) aeroplane; motor-car. (俚) 飞机; 自车。 vi, vt (-ss-) [VP2A, 6A] go, take, by bus; (esp US) transport children to their schools: 坐公共汽车去; 以公共汽车运送; (尤美) 以公共汽车送孩子们上学: the bussing of children to achieve racial integration, eg by taking children from white areas to schools in black areas and vice versa. 以公车送孩子上学以达成种族融合之目的 (例如将白人区的孩子送至黑人区的学校就读,或将黑人区的孩子送至白人区的学校就读) 。




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