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单词 burst
释义 burst1 /b3:st; bst/ vi, vt (pt, pp burst) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, u- 5 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用之用法参看下列第 5 义。) 1 [VP2A] (of a bomb, shell, boiler, etC) fly or break violently apart from internal pressure; explode; (of river banks, a dam, an abscess, a boil) break outwards; (of a bubble) break; (of leaf and flower buds) open out. (指炸弹、炮弹、锅炉等)爆炸; (指河岸、堤壕、脓疮、疔疮)决口; 胀裂; 穿头; (指水泡)爆破 ; ( 指叶苞、花蕾)绽放。 be ~ing to. be eager to: 极欲; 急于: He was ~ing to tell us the news. 他极欲吿诉我们那消息。 2 [VP6A, 22] cause to fly apart, explode, open suddenly, give way under pressure: 使爆破; 使爆炸; 使破口; 挤破; 胀破:~。 tyre/balloon; 使轮胎(汽球)爆破; We had to ~ the door open. 我们不得不破门而入。 If you get much fatter you'll ~ your clothes. 如果你再胖下去,你的衣服就要胀破了。 He ~ a blood-vessel, suffered the ~ing of one; 他的一条血管破了。 (fig) (喻) ~ one's sides with laughing. 笑破肚子。 3 ~ (with), [VP2A, 3A] be full to overflowing; be able to contain with difficulty: 饱满; 满盈; 几乎装不下: store-houses ~ing with grain; 装满谷物的谷仓; sacks ~ing with corn. 装满玉蜀黍的大袋子。 They were ~ing with happiness/pride/excitement/impatience/health. 血们乐不可支 (满怀骄傲,兴奋,不耐烦,极为健康) 。 4 [VP2C] make a way or entry suddenly or by force: 突然闻过; 强行进入: He ~ into the room. 他闯入室内。 The oil ~. (= gushed) out of the ground. 油从地下冒出。 The sun ~ through the clouds, appeared through an opening in the clouds. 太阳从云缝里钻出来。 5 [VP2C, 3A] (with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用): burst forth, c ~ out. burst in (on/upon). a interrupt: 突然插嘴; 打断 (谈话): Stop him ~ing in. 别让他打岔。 He ~ in upon our conversation. 他打断我们的谈话。 b appear or arrive suddenly: 突盆出现或到达: He'll be ~ing in on us at any moment. 他随时会出现在我们的面前。 burst into, a send out suddenly; break out into: 突然发出; 猝发; 爆发成: The oil-stove upset and ~ into flames. 油炉翻倒,立刻燃烧起来。 b ~ into tears/laughter, etc, suddenly begin to cry (laugh, etc); 突然大哭 (大笑等); ~ into song, begin to sing; 突然唱起歌来; ~ into angry speech, begin to speak angrily. 大发雷霆。 c ~ into bloom/blossom, (of shrubs, trees) open out with blossom. (指灌木、树木) 开花。 d ~ into view/sight, (of a scene, spectacle) suddenly become visible. (指景象、奇观) 突然显现。 burst on/upon, come suddenly or unexpectedly to: 突然或意外地出现于: The view ~ upon our sight. 那景象突然出现于我们的眼前。 The truth ~ upon him, he suddenly realized it. 他突然领悟那道理。 The cries of the mob ~ upon our ears. 暴徒们的叫嚣突然传到我们的耳边。 burst out (into), exclaim; begin to speak: 大声地说; 咆哮地说: 'Wy don't you behave?' he ~ out (= ~ forth '你为什么不规矩些?'他大声地说。 He ~ out into threats. 他突然大声威胁。 ~ laughing/crying, suddenly begin to laugh/cry. 突然大笑 (大哭) 。




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