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单词 应对如流

应对如流应答如流yìng duì rú liú

be ready at repartee; give fluent replies (/answers); have a ready tongue; reply readily and fluently
❍ 原来此时贾政见甄宝玉相貌果与宝玉一样,试探他的文才,竟~,甚是心敬,故叫宝玉等三人出来,警励他们;……(《红楼梦》1471) When Jia Zheng saw that Zhen Baoyu did indeed look exactly like his son,he tested his literary talents and was so impressed by the youth’s fluent answers that he sent for his sons and grandsons to meet this prodigy,also meaning Baoyu to compare himself with him.
❍ 操见诩~,甚爱之。(《三国演义》148) Cao Cao was greatly pleased with the messenger,admiring his ready and fluent repartee,…

应对如流对(答)yìnɡ duì rú liú

应答得像流水一样,形容回答敏捷流利。reply readily and fluently, (remarks and comments) flowing freely between the two, answer the question without any hitch





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