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desertn. 1. wild,uncultivated region荒芜之地.荒野。 △ As.2.6.17(16):“and thou shalt not die for lack of a dinner ifthere live any thing in this desert.” 只要这块荒地里有任何活物,你必不至于饿死。 △Gent.5.4.2:“This shadowydesert,unfrequented woods.”这阴森的荒野,人迹罕至的森林。 2. lonely and uninhabited place荒凉无人之处。 △Mac.3.4.103(102): “Or be alive again,/ And dare me tothe desert with thy sword;”再不然你再活转来,拿你的剑向我挑战,到无人之处决斗。
deserta. uninhabited,unpeopled无人居住的,荒无人烟的。 △As.2.1.23:“this desert city,”这个荒凉的城市。 △Mid.2.1.218:“a desert place,”荒凉的地方。
desertn. 1. that which is deserved to a person,due reward orpunishment应得的报偿(奖赏或惩罚)。 △H.V.3.7.90(79): “Would I were able to load him with his desert!”i.e.to load him with all the praises he deserves.但愿我能把它应得的赞美都加在它的身上才好! △3H.VI.3.3.192:“Shame on himself!For my desert is honour;”他自己才可耻! 因为我应得的报偿是荣誉。 △1H.VI.5.4.153:“And not of any challenge of desert,” i.e. not by anydeserved claim. 并不是由于应得的权利。 △R.III.5.1.29:“and blame the desert of blame. ”罪恶只能得到罪恶的报应。 2. action meriting reward,merit应受报偿的行动,功劳。 △H.V.2.2.33: “And shall for get the office of ourhand / Sooner than quittance of desert and merit,/According to the weight and worthiness.”我即使忘记了我的手会有什么用处,也决不会忘记按照功绩的应得报偿而论功行赏的。 △2H.VI.1.4. 48 (45): “My Lord Protectorwill,I doubt it not,/ See you well guerdoned forthese good deserts.”我毫不怀疑,护国公大人为了你们这些功劳一定会好好奖赏你们的。 △Tw.3.4.384 (348): “Is’tpossible that my deserts to you / Can lack persua-sion?”i.e. What I deserve of you is not sufficient topersuade you. 难道我给你的种种好处还不能打动你的心吗? △Gent.3.2.18:“some sign of good desert”,良好的表现。 3.merit功劳。 △2H.IV.4.3.60(54): “Therefore letme have right,and let desert mount.”所以让我得到应得的报偿,让有功劳的人高升。 △R.III.3.7.153(154):“Yourlove deserves my thanks,but my desert / Unmeritableshuns your high request.”你们的爱戴值得我感谢,但是我这不算什么功劳的功劳却担当不起你们这样高的要求。 4. merit(s) 长处。 △3H.VI.3.3.132: “When I haveheard your king’s desert recounted. / Mine ear hathtempted judgment to desire.”i.e. What I have heardabout Edward’s merits has prompted my judgment todesire him. 我所听到你们国王的长处倒促使我的判断对他有向往之意。 Phrases: all without desert: entirely without one’s having de-served it:quite undeservedly,and so without cause完全不应得地;完全冤枉地,无缘无故地。 △R.III.2.1.66(67):“Of you,and you,Lord Rivers,and of Dorset,/ Thatall without desert have frowned on me;”还有你,以及你,利佛斯大人和道尔塞特大人,你们都曾经无缘无故地对我怒目而视。 good deserts: merits功绩。 △1H.VI.3.4.25:“There-fore stand up; and for these good deserts /We herecreate you Earl of Shrewsbury,”所以,请站起来吧;为了你的这些功绩,我在这里封你为舒斯伯雷伯爵。 without desert: without cause,undeservedly无缘无故地,冤枉地 。 △Com.3.1.112: “I protest. without des-ert.”我要说,是错怪了我。 △Gent.2.4.58(57):“notwithout desert so well reputed”,享有良好的声誉是当之无愧的。 desert荒漠植物稀疏、人口密度很低的干旱地区。其特征是气温变化快,地表温度变化剧烈,风力作用活跃,地表水极端贫乏等。荒漠占陆地面积的1/3以上(包括半干旱地区)。一般把降水量等于或小于250毫米作为划分的常用标准尺度。 desert[ˈdezət]n.沙漠,荒漠[diˈzə:t]n.功过,功绩v.开小差,逃走,丢弃,放弃 ◇ get one’s deserts获得应得的奖赏 ‖ desert climate沙漠气候 desert encroachment土地沙化 desert field exercise沙漠野战演习 desert warfare沙漠战 deserted adj.被丢弃的,荒废的deserted child被遗弃的子女 deserted wife被遗弃的妻子 deserter n.逃兵 desertification n.沙漠化 desertification of land土地沙化 desertion n.开小差,逃走,丢弃 |