释义 |
deservingn. 1. that which one deserves,desert,that which merits reward,due reward应得的报偿,应受奖赏之事,适当的奖赏。 △Lr.3.3.24(23):“This seems a fair deserving,”i.e.I look like deserving a handsome reward for this ac-tion. 这看来是个立功受赏的好机会。 △Oth.1.3.342(337):“and I confess me knit to thy deserving withcables of perdurable toughness.”而且我承认,我已经根据你所应得,把我对你的友情像坚韧无比的缆索,永远纠结在一起了。2. that for which one may claim something,that forwhich one deserves well可以提出某种要求的资格,应受某种奖赏的条件。 △Lr. 1. 1. 33 (31):“Sir,I shall study de-serving.”i.e. I shall try to deserve your love. 大人.我将努力不辜负您的垂爱。 3. merit.i.e. service rendered功劳。 △1H.IV.4.3.35: “Envy your great deservings and good name,”妒忌你的大功劳和好名声。 △2H.IV.4.3.47 (43): “It wasmore of his courtesy than your deserving. ”这与其说是你的功劳,不如说是他的客气。 4. merit. i.e. quality of deserving well. excellence优点。 △1H.IV.5.2.57: “Spoke your deservings like achronicle,”谈起你的种种优点像是一本编年史。
deservingp. a. 1. being worthy. worthy有价值的,可尊敬的。 △Oth.2.1.144: “But what praise couldst thou bestow on a de-serving woman indeed”,但是对于一位真值得称道的女人,你又怎样赞美呢? 2. worthy,i. e. adequate配得上的;适当的。 △H.VIII.3.2.98 (97): “What though I know her virtuous/ Andwell deserving?”i.e.well worthy to be the Queen. 即使我明知道她品性好.配当王后,那又怎么样? |