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单词 deserve


1.become entitled to earn,gain deservedly,merit有资格赢得,应得,应受。
△3H.VI.1.1.219:“Hath he deserved to lose his birthright thus?”难道他就应该这样丧失掉天生的继承权吗?
△R.III.2.3.36:“All may be well:but if God sort it so,/ ’Tis more than we deserve,or I expect.”一切都会好的;但是如果上帝定要这样安排,那就超过了我们理所应得,也超过了我的预料。
△Mid.2.2.124:“When at your hands did I deserve this scorn?” 我什么时候得罪过你,应该受到这样的讥笑?
2. show gratitude for,i.e. reward,recompense向…表示感谢,报答,酬报。
△Oth.1.1.184(183): “On,goodRoderigo,I will deserve your pains.” i.e.I will rec-ompense you for your trouble. 走吧,好罗德利哥,我一定酬报你的辛苦。
1. be entitled to reward,be worthy of rcward有权得到报偿,值得报偿。
△3H.VI.1.1.17:“Richard hath bestdeserved of all my sons.”理查在我的儿子当中功劳最大。
△Tw.4.2.88(80):“Good fool,as ever thou wilt deserve well at my hand.” i.e.if you ever want to dosomething which will really call for a reward at myhand. 好傻子,要是你想在以后从我手里得到好处的话。
△Ado.5.2.1: “Pray thee,sweet Mistress Margaret.deserve well at my hands(i.e.give me the opportuni-ty to reward you)by helping me to the speech of Beatrice.”我请求你,好玛格利特姑娘,帮助我和贝特丽丝见面谈谈话,我要好好酬谢你。
2. be worthy to be(well or ill)treated值得受到(好或不好的)对待,值得(爱或恨等)。
△3H.VI.5.1.92: “I am sosorry for my trespass made / That,to deserve well atmy brother’s hands. / I here proclaim my self thy mortal foe:”我为我过去所犯下的罪行十分难过,现在为了使自己值得我兄长的信任,我在这里宣布我是你的死敌。
△H.VIII.4.2.137(136):“I hope she will deserve well;”我希望她将来能受人敬重。
△As.1.2.259(242): “Sir,you havewell deserved.”先生,你很值得尊敬。
△As.1.3.38(36):“Doth he not deserve well?” i.e. well deserve to be hated. 他不是非常值得我恨吗? (按:下文罗萨琳故意理解为“值得爱”。)


‖ deserved adj.理所当然的
deservedly adv.deservedness n. deserving adj.值得的,应得的





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