宾(賓);[賔]bīn❶ (客人) guest: 贵 ~ distinguished guest;guest of honour; 国 ~ state guest; 外 ~ foreign guest ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 须无 Bin Xuwu ◆宾白 (of Chinese operas) spoken parts; 宾格{语} objective case; 宾馆 guesthouse; 宾客 guest;guests;visitors; 宾客盈门 The house is full of guests.; 宾朋 guests; 宾朋满座 The house is full of guests.;Guests and vistors fill up the seats.; 宾语 {语} object; 宾至如归 Guests feel at home.;a home from home;Guests come here as if they were returning home.;Guests flock to the place like returning home.;make sb. free at one's home; 宾主 guest-host; 宾主尽欢 Both the guests and the hosts are thoroughly enjoying themselves.;make a visitor feel welcome;make guests feel at home;The guests feel at home. |