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单词 rinse
释义 rinse Inns ; nns/ vt [VP6A, 15A, B] 1 ~ sth (out); ~ sth out of sth, wash with clean water in order to remove unwanted substances, etc: 以清水冲洗(以除去不要之物): ~ soap out of the clothes; 以清水冲去衣服上的肥皂; ~ the clothes, to get soapy water out; 以清水冲去衣服上的肥皂水; ~ (our) the teapot; 以清水冲洗茶壶; ~ the tea-leaves out of the pot; 以清水冲去茶壶里的茶叶; ~ (out) the mouth, eg while being treated by a dentist. 漱口(如在牙医处接受治疗时)。 2 ~ sth down, help (food) down with a drink: 以水或其他液体呑下(食物): R~ it down with a glass of beer. 用一杯啤酒把它呑下。 n 1 act of rinsing: 冲洗之动作; 洗涤; 清洗: Give your hair a good ~ after you've shampooed it. 头发用过洗发剂后, 要用清水冲洗干净。 2 solution for tinting the hair: 染发液: the blue ~ used by some elderly women. 弃些牟长的妇女所用的蓝色染发液。




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