附[坿]fùⅠ ❶ (附带) attach;add;enclose: ~ 上 enclosing herewith; 信中 ~ 上几笔 add a few words in a letter;~ 寄一张照片 enclosed herewith a photo ❷ (靠近) get close to;be near:~ 耳交谈 talk in whispers ❸ (依从;依附) depend on;rely on;comply with;agree to;attach to;adhere to: 趋炎 ~ 势 curry favour with the powerful; 魂不 ~ 体 frightened out of one's wits Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 都 Fu Du ◆附笔 postscript;additional note; 附带 in passing;incidentally; 附带证据 circumstantial evidence; 附睾 {生理} epididymis;parastata;parorchis; 附和 echo;chime in with;repeat what others say; 附加 add;attach;additional;additive;appended;append; 附加费 surcharge; 附加服务 additional sevices; 附加工资 supplementary wages; 附加合同 accessory contract; 附加税 additional tax; 附属 attached;auxiliary;affiliated collaterality; 附属医院 attached hospital; 附属中学 affiliated middle school; 附言 postscript (P.S.);additional comments; 附着 adhere to;stick to; sticking;insertion;capture;attachment;adherence;adhesion |