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单词 ring
释义 ring1 /riq; nij/ n [C] 1 circular band (often of gold or platinum, and set with a gem or gems) worn round a finger as an ornament, or as a token: 戴于指上作装饰物或信物的金属环(常用金或锁制成,并常锁有珠宝); 指环: an en'gagement ~; 订婚戒指; a ‘wedding ~; 结婚戒指; similar band for othpr parts of the body: 身体其他部份所戴的类似之环 an 'ear ~, a /ose-~. 耳环, 鼻环。 '~-finger n third of the left hand. 左手的无名指。 2 circular band of any kind of material, eg metal, wood, ivory: 任何材料(如金属,木, 象牙)制的环状物: a 'napkin ~; 束餐巾用的小环; a 'key- ~, one of split metal, for carrying keys on. 钥匙环。 ~-mail/ -armour nn = chain-armour. 锁字铠。 cchain(4). 3 circle: 圆圈; 圆环: a of light round the moon; 月亮的晕轮; the ~ of a tree, seen in concentric circles of wood when the trunk is cut across, showing the tree's age; 树的年轮(横切树干时所见到的许多同心圆,可显示树木之年龄); puff out 'smokers (of cigarette smoke). (抽香烟时)喷出烟圈儿。 The men were standing in a ~. 那些人站成一个圆圈。 make/run ' ~s round sb, move, do things, much faster than he does. 行动或做事比某人快得多。 4 combination of persons working together for their own advantage: (为私利而结合在一起的)集团: a ~ of revolutionaries/smugglers. 一群革命分子(一帮走私者)。 5 (’circus-) ~, circular enclosure or space for circus-riding. 马戏场。 '~-master n man who directs performances in a circus- ~. 马戏团演出指导。 6 space for the showing of cattle, dogs, etc (at farming exhibitions, etc). (农业展览会等市)家畜展览场。 7 betting at race meetings. 赌赛马。 the ~, book-makers collectively. (集合用法)以赌赛马为业者。 → book'(6). 8 the prize→, → prize (3). 9 (compounds) (复合字) '~leader n person who leads others in a rising against authority. (U党之)首领; 头目。 '~-road n road round and through the outskirts of a town, for the use of through traffic and designed to avoid congestion in the eentre. 环城公路(围绕城市并穿过市郊的环状道路,为捷运及避免市区拥塞而设)。 Cf by-pass, a new road specially constructed. (参较 by-pass, 系特别铺筑之新透路)。 '~side n place near to the ring of a circus, prize-fight, etc: 贴近马戏场,拳击场等之处: have a ~ side seat, be favourably placed for seeing an event, etc. 获一场边座位; 位于可以看淸楚的地方。 '~worm n [U] contagious disease of the skin, esp of children, causing round, red patches. 癣; 钱癖。 vt, vi (pt, pp ~ed) 1 [VP6A, 15B] surround: 围绕; 康绕: ~ed about with enemies; 为敌人所包围; ~ cattle, hem them into one place. 弛底口围瓜一处。 2 [VP6A] put a ~ in the nose of (a bull, etc) or on the leg of (a bird, eg a homing pigeon). 给(牛等)带鼻圈; 给(鸟,如传信鸽)腿上系一金属环。 3 [VP6A] (in games) toss or throw a ring or a horseshoe round, eg a mark, peg, etc; make a ring round (sth), eg with a pencil, or by shooting holes round a target. (游戏中)挪环或蹄形铁于(标的或桩)上; 绕(某物)形成一圆圈(例如用铅笔画, 或围绕一靶子用子弹射成一圈)。 4 [VP2A] (of a hunted fox) take a circular course. .( 指被猎之狐)绕圈跑。




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