daughtern. i.e.daughter-in-law 女儿,(指) 儿媳 △2H.IV.2.3.1:“loving wife,and gentle daughter.”亲爱的妻子,贤惠的儿媳。 △R.III.4.1.5:“Daughter,wellmet.”媳妇,我们又见面了。 daughter of Agenor: Europa,loved by Jupiter; he as-sumed the form of a bull to carry her off即希腊神话中腓尼基国王阿格诺尔的女儿欧罗巴(朱庇特爱上她,变做一只公牛,将她带走)。 △Shr.1.1.171 (167):“I saw sweet beautyin her face,/Such as the daughter of Agenor had,”我看见她那秀美的容颜,就像是阿格诺尔的女儿一般。 daughter-beamed eyes: 女儿的光芒四射的眼睛。 △L.L.L.5.2.171: “They will not answer to thatepithet: You were best call it ‘ daughter-beamedeves’.”她们的眼睛和那形容词不符合:你最好称之为“女儿光芒四射的眼睛”。(按:将上文中sun与son混同,取笑。) daughter[ˈdɔ:tə]n.女儿,儿媳妇,女儿身份,女儿时期 ‖ daughter firm子公司 daughter-in-law adj.女儿的 daughterhood n.女儿 Daughters of the Confederacy邦联女儿联合会(1894年) |