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单词 right
释义 right1 /rait; rait/ adj (contrasted with wrong) (与 wrong 相对) 1 (of conduct, etc) morally good; required by law or duty: (指行为等)正当的; 合法的; 应衮的: Always do what is ~ and honourable. 永远做光明正大的事。 It seems only ~ to tell you that.... 似乎应该吿诉你…。 You were quite ~ to refuse. 标恒绝是很对的。 You were ~ in “deciding not to go/-were ~ in your decision. 你决定不去(你的决定)是很正当的。 2 true; correct; satisfactory: 正确的; 对的; 令人满意的: What's the ~ time? 现在正确的时间是几点? Your account of what happened is not quite ~. 你对于发生的事情所作的敍述不太正确。 Have you got the ~ (-exact) fare? 你有恰好的钱付车资吗? get sth ~,understand sth clearly, so that there is no error or misunderstanding: 确实了解某事,不致有错误或误解: Now let's get this ~ before we pass on to the next point. 我们在讨论下一点之前,先把这一点彻底搞淸楚。 put/set sth ~, restore to order, good health, a good condition, etc: 恢复秩序,健康,良好情况等: put a watch ~, ie to the correct time. 把表校对准确。 It is not your business to put me ~, to correct my errors. 如不着你来纠正我南错误。 This medicine will soon put you ~. 这药不久就会使你恢复健康 5 ~ you 'arel/-'ol/ R~! int (colloq) used to indicate agreement to an order, request, proposal, etc. (俗)对极了!好极了!(用以表示同意一项命令,请求,建议等)。 .AH ' ~ 1/ Alright! /.al'rait; ol'rait/ int used to indicate agreement, approval, etc. 对!好 !( 用以表示同意,赞同等)。| 'minded adj having opinions or principles based on what is ~: 见保正确的; 公正的: All ~-minded people will agree with me when I say.... 当我说…时,所有见解正确的人都会同意我的看法。 3 most suitable; best in view of the circumstances, etc; preferable: 最合适的; 就情况等而言最好的; 可取的: Are we on the ~ road? 我们走的路对吗? Which is the ~ way to Exeter? 到爱塞特去走两株路? He is the ~ man for the job. 他是担任这份工作最适当的人选。 Which is the ~ side (ie the side meant to be seen or used) of this cloth ? 这块布的正面是那一边? Have you got it the ~ side up? 你是否使正面朝上了呢? He's still on the ~ side of fifty, is still under 50 years old, 他还不到五十 Mo get on the ~ side of sb. win his favour, 获某人赏识; 受某人器重。 4 (all) ~, in good or normal condition; sound; sane: 健康的; 健全的; 神智淸楚的: Do you feel all ~? 你没什么地方不对动吧? not (quite) ~ in the/one's head, (colloq) not sane; foolish. (U)神智不(太)健全; 愚笨。 not in one's -mind, in an abnormal mental state. 心理不正常。 ~ as rain/as a trivet, (colloq) perfectly sound or healthy. (俗)十分健全; 十分健康。 5 (of an angle) of 90' (ie neither acute nor obtuse). (指角)九十度的; 直角的。 at , ~ angles/at a ~ angle (to), at an angle of 90' (to). (U—) 成直角。 → the illus at angle. 参看 angle 之插 06 。'~-angled adj having a ~ angle: 成直角函: a ~-angled triangle. '一个直角三角形。 ~ aciv justly; justifiably; correctly; truly: 公正地; 有理由地; 正确地; 确实地: act ~ 0. 行为正当。夫~, or wrongly, / think the man should not be punished. 对也好,错也好, 我认为这个人不应该受处罚。 She has been sacked, and ~ly so. 她被解雇了,一点也不寃柱。 Am 1 ~ informed? 我 .所知道的消息正确吗? ~ness n




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