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❶ (事物间连续的关系) interconnected system: 系 ~ system; genealogy; 血 ~ blood relationship; blood lineage; 体 ~ decorum; decency; 传 ~ tradition
❷ (衣服等的筒状部分) any tube-shaped part of an article of clothing, etc.: 长 ~ 皮靴 high boots; 皮 ~ 子 fur lining sewn up for a coat
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 胜 Tong Sheng Ⅱ (统一; 统领) unite; lead; command: ~ 兵 command troops Ⅲ (总起来; 总括; 全部) all; entirely; together; wholly: ~ ~ 充公 completely confiscate; 这些东西 ~ 归你们用。 You have all these things at your disposal.
◆统包价格 an all-in price; 统舱 steerage; tourist class; third class steerage; 统称 be called by a joint name; a general designation; 统筹 plan as a whole; 统筹安排 make overall arrangements; give overall consideration; 统筹方法 critical path method; program evaluation and review technique; PERT-CPM (program evaluation review technique-critical path method); 统筹规划 plan as a whole; overall planning; 统筹兼顾 take into consideration both needs of the state and the interests of the collectives; give overall consideration; make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall consideration; overall consideration and all-round arrangement; overall planning; overall planning and all-round consideration; plan jointly so as to take into consideration every aspect of a matter; take into consideration in the interests of all concerned; unified planning with due consideration for all parties concerned; 统筹兼顾, 全面安排 make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; unified planning with due consideration for all concerned; 统筹全局 take the whole situation into account and plan accordingly; 统得过多 excessively control over; exercise too rigid a control over operation; exercise too sweeping a control over; overcentralization of power in the hands of the state; 统得过死 exercise rigid control (over); rigid and excessive control; 统分结合 combination of centralization and decentralization; 统负盈亏 be responsible for losses and profits; 统感 togetherness; 统共 altogether; in all; 统购 (of the state) monopolize the purchase (of grain, cotton, etc.); 统购包销 state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of the products of private enterprises; All goods are purchased and marketed by state commercial agencies.; State bought up all enterprises'products and acted as their only sales agent.; state monopoly over the purchase and distribution of; unified purchase and sale; unified state purchase and marketing of; 统购派购 unified and fixed state purchase; 统购统配 unified purchases and distribution;
统购统销 the state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of (grain, etc.); controlled procurement and distribution; (Goods) are purchased and marketed by the state in a unified way.; planned purshase and marketing by the state; 统货 gradeless and uniformly-priced goods; 统计 statistics; census; numerical statement; vital statistics; add up; count; 统建 construct in a systematic way; 统考 [简] unified examination; uniform examinations; public examination; 统括 all together; omnibus; 统配包销 state monopoly of material supply and marketing; 统配物资 materials earmarked for unified distribution; materials placed under the unified distribution; materials under unified state distribution; producer goods under unified control; Products are within the category of state-monopolized distribution.; 统收统支 unified state control over income and expenditure; be responsible for the earnings and spendings in a unified way; centralized control over the revenues and expenditures; Country's revenue and expenditure are all controlled by the central government.; keep a tight control on revenue and expenditure; management of unified state allocations for state-owned enterprises and unified collection of receipts from them; monopoly control over its income and expenditure; State took over all the earnings of its enterprises and paid all their expenses.; total control over revenue and expenditure; unified collection of revenue and coverage of expenditure; unified distribution of revenues and expenditures; unified receipts and allocations by the state; 统售价格 flat price; 统属 subordination; 统帅 commander in chief; commander; command统帅部 supreme command; 统率 command;
统统 all; completely; entirely; 统辖 have under one's command; exercise control over; govern; 统销 state monopoly for marketing (of certain goods, e.g. grain, cotton, etc.); 统一 unify; unite; integrate; unified; unitary; centralized; 统一大业 great cause of reunification; 统一分配 overall assignment; 统一化 unification; normalization; unitize; 统一领导, 分级管理 be administered by authorities at different levels under a unified leadership; overall leadership and management at different levels; unified leadership and management at different levels; unified planning and management at different levels; 统一领导, 分散管理 unified leadership and scattered management; 统一天下 unification of the whole country; 统一祖国 reunify the motherland; 统一祖国, 振兴中华 reunify the motherland and rejuvenate China; 统战 [简] (统一战线) united front; 统制 control; govern; 统治 rule; dominate; control; govern

gather into one;unite
~得过多过死exercise rigid and excessive control (of the economy)/~归一人掌管all under the control of one person; entirely at the disposal of one person





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