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单词 ring
释义 ring2 /rin; ng/ vt, vi (pt rang) /raeq; raeq/, pp rung /fad; fAij/ 1 [VP2A, B, C] give out a clear, musical sound as when metal vibrates: 发出如金属震动时淸晰悦耳之声音鸿; 响: How long has that telephone (bell) been ~ing? 电话(铃)响了多久啦? Start work when the bell ~s. 铃响时就开始工作。 A shot rang out, The noise of a shot was heard. 听到一声枪响。 2 [VP2D] produce a certain effect when heard: 听起来…: His words rang hollow, What he said seemed insincere. 他的话听起来似乎不诚恳。 His words rang true. 他的话听起来似乎是真的。 The coin rang true/false, seemed, when tested by being thrown down, to be genuine/ counterfeit. 这硬币听声音是真的(假的)。 3 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (for sb/sth), cause a bell to sound, as a summons, warning, etc: 鸣铃召唤,警吿等: She rang for the porter. 她按铃叫门膏。 Did you ~, sir? 是你按铃叫我吗,先生? Someone is ~ing at the door, ~ing for admittance or attention. 有人在按门铃。 The cyclist didn't ~. 那个骑脚踏车的人没有按铃。 4 [VP6A] cause sth, esp a bell, to ~: 使鸣; 使响; (尤指)使钟、铃响: ~ the bells; 鸣钟; ~ the bell for the steward; 按铃叫侍者; ~ a coin, test its genuineness bv throwing it down on sth and listening to the sound. 掷硬币于某物之上,以应其声音,鲜其真伪。 ~ a bell, (colloq) bring sth vaguely back to mind: (俗)模糊忆起某事物:弟. ,That ~s a bell! 啊! 我好像记起来了! ~ the bell, (colloq) be successful in sth. (U)做某事成功。 5 [VP3A] ~ (with sth), resound; re-echo: 回? 5; 回声: The children's playground rang with happy shouts. 孩子们的花戏场上回响着快乐的呼喊声。 The village rang with the praises of the brave girl. 村子里人人皆称道那个勇敢的女孩子。 6 [VP2C] linger in one's hearing or memory: 案绕于潭际或记忆中: His last words are still ~ing in my ears. 他的遗言仍留在我耳际。 7 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (with), (of the ears) be filled with a ringing or humming sound: (指耳)充满着鸣声或嚼嗡声: My ears are still ~ing. 我的耳中仍有鸣声(我仍耳鸣)。 8 ~ sb (up), get into communication with sb by telephone: 打电话给某人: I'll ~ you (up) this evening. 我今晚将给你电话。 (US 美 = sb (up).) ~ off, end a telephone conversation. 挂断电话。 9 [VP6A] (of a chime of bells) announce (the hour, etc); strike the hours: (指一套钟)报(钟点等); 敲出钟点: The bell ~s the hours, but not the quarters. 那钟是每小时响,不是每刻钟医。 10 [VP6A, 15B] give a signal by ~ing a bell, etc: 鸣钟铃等作信号: ~ the knell of sth, announce its end or downfall; 宣布某事之结束或崩溃; ~ an alarm, give one by ~ing bells. 鸣钟示警。 ~ the curtain up/down, (in a theatre) give the signal for it to be raised/lowercd. (剧院中)鸣铃以示升幕(落幕)。 11 [VP6A] sound (a peal, etc with a bell or bells), (以钟)鸣响(钟乐等)。 ~ the changes (on), (of church bells) ring the bells in the different orders which are possible; (fig) put or arrange things, do things, in as many different ways as possible. (指教堂的钟)以各种不同次序鸣钟; (喻)以各种不同方式安排或做事物。 12 [VP15B] announce or celebrate the beginning or end of sth by ~ing bells. 以鸣钟宣吿或庆祝某事之开始或结束。 ~ out the Old (Year) and ~ in the New. 鸣钟送旧岁迎新年。 n 1 (sing only) resonant sound produced by a bell or piece of metal when it is struck: (仅用单数)钟或金属片被敲击时发出之共鸣音: This coin has a good ~. 这硬币声音很悦耳。 2 (sing only) loud and clear sound: (仅用单数)宏亮而清晰的声 S: the ~ of happy voices. 欢声响亮。 There was a of sincerity in his promise. 他的允诺听起来颇为真诚。 3 [C] act of ~ing; sound of a bell: 核铃; 鸣钟; 打电话; 鸣书; 钟(铃)声: There was a ~ at the door. 有人按门铃。 I'll give you a ~ this evening, will ~ you up (by telephone). 我今晚给你电话。 ~er n bell-ringer. 摇铃者; 鸣钟(铃)者。




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