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单词 大书特书

大书特书dà shū tè shū

[as in a book] give unusual amount of space to; mention sth (/sh) at length; particularize; record in letters of gold; make special mention of write volumes about
❍ 由于詹大悲熟人多,各处奔走,加上第二天的“商务日报”大书而特书,这就不能不引起两湖总督陈薆龙、湖北提学使王寿彭那班清吏的注意。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—168) Thanks to the untiring efforts of Zhan Dabei who had a considerable number of acquaintances,and also due to the unusual amount of space given to the event in The Commercial Daily the next day,the matter was soon brought to the notice of such top-ranking officials as Viceroy Chen Guilong of Hubei and Hunan and Wang Shoupeng,the Provincial Superintendent of Education in Hubei.

大书特书dà shū tè shū

指对重要的事件、人物,多用笔力去写以引起人们的注意。write volumes about, record in letters of gold, length, particularize, be fully recounted





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