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单词 大义凛然

大义凛然dà yì lǐn rán

awe-inspiring owing to the righteousness of one's cause; fearless of death for a just cause; inspire awe by upholding justice;righteous indignation; with a strong sense of right eousness
❍ 于是他~的斩钉截铁的说道:“ …普天之下,莫非王土’,难道他们在吃的薇,不是我们圣上的吗?”(鲁迅《故事新编》 65) Hence,carried away by righteous indignation,he declared categorically: "Since 'all under the sky is our sovereign's territory',isn't the vetch they eat our king's property too?"/但是 ,周恩来同志临危不惧,~地和群众在一起战斗着。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—7) But Comrade Zhou Enlai,defying all danger,fought side by sied with the masses for the righteous cause.

大义凛然da yi lin ran

be fearless with justice on one’s side

大义凛然dà yì lǐn rán

大义:正义;凛然:严肃的、令人敬畏的神态。inspiring awe by upholding justice, fearless of death for a just cause, with stern righteousness, righteous indignation, awe-inspiring righteousness





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