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单词 不足为奇

不足为奇不足为怪;不足为异bù zú wéi qí

be all in the day’s work; be no strange thing; be not at all strange (/surprising/unusual); be nothing unusual (/unexpected/extraordinary/to be sur prised at); be not a novelty; far from feeling surprised; need not be surprised; need not marvel;no (/little/small) wonder (that…); not be worthy of being considered strange; not to be wondered at;nothing out of the ordinary (/common); quite commonplace
❍ 大人!尤葫芦卖肉为业,误将铜钱抛落地上,也是有的,~。(朱素臣《十五贯》43) Your Honour,You Hulu was a butcher. He may have dropped the cash by mistake. There is nothing strange in that.
❍ 吴用见说,大笑道:“~!” (《水浒全传》845) Wu Yong heard this and he laughed loudly and he said,“This is no strange thing.”/玉帝垂赐恩慈曰:“下方之物,乃天地精华所生,不足为异。” (《西游记》3) With com passionate mercy the Jade Emperor declared,“These creatures from the world below are born of the essences of Heaven and Earth,and they need not surprise us.”/在收发室对面暗中摄下一张相片,也是~的。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》163) It was not surprising that they had snapped him while he was passing the gate-keeper’s lodge.
❍ 过了一会儿,她自言自语地轻声说:“全都堕落了!——然而也~!”(茅盾《子夜》542) After a while she muttered to herself: “Decadent lot! —Still it’s not to be wondered at,really! ”/阿Q的意思,以为癞是~的,只有一部络腮胡子,实在太新奇,令人看不上眼。(鲁迅《呐喊·阿Q正传》85) Ah Q felt that while scabs were nothing to take exception to,such hairy cheeks were really too outlandish,and could excite nothing but scorn.

不足为奇bù zú wéi qí

不值得奇怪。比喻事情很平常。not at all surprising, and no wonder, be only natural, be nothing out of the usual, far from feeling surprised, quite commonplace





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