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单词 兢兢业业

兢兢业业jīng jīng yè yè

assiduous and careful;studious and attentive; cautious and conscientious
❍ 当然这不是青年一代很容易学成功的,要~少犯错误。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) Of course ,it is not easy for the young generation to acquire these good qualities .They must be careful and conscientious and make as few mistakes as possible.
❍ 他当然希望也能实现他的豪言壮语。但愿他能~,不要让党错宠爱了他吧! (柳青《创业史》 226) Of course he hoped he could fulfil his splendid vow. He would have to be very diligent;he couldn’t be unworthy of the Party’s love.
❍ ~,一日二日万几。(《尚书·陶谟》) Let him be wary and fearful,remembering that in one day or two days there may occur ten thousand springs of things.
❍ 我们~,怕搞不好,但我们不能放弃责任。(《周恩来选集》上—319) We are worried that the work may not be done well; still we can’t shirk our responsibility.
❍ 请老太太宽怀。只愿儿子们托老太太的福,过了些时,都邀了恩眷,那时~的治起家来,以赎前愆,奉养老太太到一百岁。(《红楼梦》1377) Don’t take it so hard,madam! Sharing in your good fortune,we can hope later on for more marks of Imperial favour; and then we shall exert ourselves to set our house in order,and atone for our faults by caring for you until you are a hundred.
❍ 于是宁府中人才知凤姐利害,自此俱各~,不敢偷安,……(《红楼梦》159)❶After this demonstration of Xifeng’s severity,the servants of the Ning Mansion worked hard and,to be on the safe side,dared not neglect their duties.
❷Erom that day onwards the staff of the Ningguo Mansion realized just how formidable Xifeng could be and went about their duties in fear and trembling,not daring to idle or delay.


do one’s work carefully and well;cautious and conscientious;work ethic
我们相信,这次大会是可以开好的…,但是要~,大家努力。We are certain that the congress will be a success…,but all of us must be conscientious and do our very best./~地为国家和人民工作一辈子work conscientiously for the nation and the people all one’s life/~工作的典型prime example of the work ethic

兢兢业业jīnɡ jīnɡ yè yè

兢兢:形容小心谨慎;业业:畏惧。形容小心谨慎,认真踏实。cautious and conscientious, diligently and cautiously, assiduous and careful, be careful and conscientious





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