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单词 入不敷出

入不敷出rù bù fū chū

be behind hand in one’s circumstances; (live) beyond (above) one’s income(/means); expenditure has exceeded income;income cannot cover expenses;overspend oneself;run behind one’s expenses;spend more than one earns;the income falls short of the expenditure;unable to hold (/keep) one’s head above water;unable to make both ends meet
❍ 但是家计萧条,~。贾政又不能在外应酬。(《红楼梦》1380) But the family was now impoverished,its income falling short of its expenditure,and Jia Zheng was unable to take advantage of his social connections.
❍ 贾政看时,所~,又加连年宫里化用,帐上多有在外浮借的。(《红楼梦》1369)…he saw that their expenditure had exceeded their income,in addition to which there had been yearly expenses in the Palace,and there were many entries of sums borrowed from outside too.


income falling short of expenditure;unable to make ends meet;living beyond one’s means

入不敷出rù bù fū chū

敷:够。收入不够支出。run behind one’s expenses, spend more than one earns





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