诗文 | 天津特别市 (天津市)设立 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天津特别市 (天津市)设立·民国天津市政府 1928年,蒋介石联合地方实力派阎锡山、李宗仁、冯玉祥等,兴兵北伐,击败当时控制北京政府的奉系军阀张作霖,结束了北洋军阀的统治。天津被阎锡山的国民革命军第三集团军占领。1928年6月20日,改直隶省为河北省。南京国民政府根据《行政法》,在天津原城厢及其周围地区设立“天津特别市” ,同时设立“特别市政府” ,这是天津设市之始。 1930年6月,依照市组织法规定,天津特别市改为天津市,直属南京国民政府行政院管辖,天津特别市政府改称天津市政府。是年11月,因河北省省会由北平迁至天津,天津市改为河北省省辖市。1935年6月,河北省省会迁往保定,天津又成为国民政府行政院的直辖市。从表面上看,全国已统一由南京国民政府管辖,实际上华北地区(包括天津)先后由阎锡山、冯玉祥,以及东北的张学良所控制。 天津特别市 (天津市)政府,内设机构有:参事室、设计委员会、秘书处、技术室、市政传习所、自治事务监理处。下设社会、公安、财政、工务、教育、卫生、土地、港务等8个局。后撤销港务局,业务并入工务局; 1931年撤销土地局,业务归并财政局; 卫生局先并入教育局,随即又将卫生业务收归市政府,建立卫生事务室,5年后复设卫生局; 1933年公安局改为省辖,2年后又归市辖; 1936年撤销教育局,旋即又恢复。 天津建市后,市县没有划界,虽然县的建制还存在,但是形同虚设,没有辖境。天津市将天津县下属区划沿袭下来,只将原来的东、南、西、北、中5个警区,改称为公安一、二、三、四、五区,原4个乡区依然保留; 将收回的德、奥、俄3个租界,改称特别一、二、三区;1931年比租界收回后,增设特别第四区。1934年市县划界,4个乡区移交天津县政府领导。此外的英、法、日、意4国租界,享受治外法权,市政府不能管理。 按规定,天津特别市(天津市)市长,应由国民政府行政院任命。但实际上分别由晋军阎锡山和东北军张学良、西北军宋哲元委派,而行政院只办理手续。因此,市长更换频繁,从1928年到1937年9年间,更换了12人,平均每人任职9个月,最长的只有一年,最短的仅有一个月。抗战胜利后,从1945年到1949年,有两任市长。
In 1928,Chiang Kai-shek,in association with powerfulwarlords Yan Xishan,Li Zongren and Feng Yuxiang,launched the northern expedition. They beat down FengWarlord Zhang Zuolin-controlled Beijing Government andended the reign of Northern warlords. Tianjin was occupiedby the Third Group Army of National Revolution Army. OnJune 20,1928,Zhili changed its name to Hebei Province.According to the Republic of China`s Administration Law,Tianjin Special City covered the downtown of originalTianjin and its suburbs,which was governed by TianjinSpecial Government. This was the beginning of Tianjin asa city. In June,1930,Tianjin Special City was renamedas Tianjin City within the domination of Nanjing StateCouncil. Accordingly,Tianjin Special Government wasrenamed Tianjin Government. In December,the capital ofHebei Province moved from Beijing to Tianjin. In June,1935,its capital was relocated to Baoding; Tianjin becamethe capital city of the State Council. In appearance,NorthChina (including Tianjin) was under the governance ofthe Republic of China. Actually,it was controlled by YanXishan,Feng Yuxiang and Zhang Xueliang. The inner organizations of Tianjin SpecialGovernment were: Counselor`s Office,Design Committee,Secretary Section,Technology Office,City GovernancePromotion Office,and self governance section. It had eightbureaus of society,police,finance,industry,education,healthcare,earth,and harbor. The Harbor Bureau wascancelled later and merged into Industrial Bureau. In1931,the Earth Bureau was cancelled and merged intothe Financial Bureau. The Healthcare Bureau was mergedinto the Education Bureau,Later,the power of healthcarebelonged to the Healthcare Office of Tianjin Government.Five years later,the Healthcare Bureau was set up again. In1933,the Police Bureau was led directly by the ProvincialGovernment. Two years later,it was governed by TianjinGovernment again. In 1936,the Education Bureau wascancelled but restored shortly. Although Tianjin was a city,its counties were notclear about their dominations. Tianjin city inherited thedivision of Tianjin County. Its eastern,southern,northern,and middle police areas were changed to be the first,second,third,fourth and fifth police areas The original fourtown areas remained. The returned Germany,Australian,and Russian concessions were called the special first,second and third areas. When the Belgium concession wasreturned,it was named the special fourth area. In 1934,the borders of the counties were demarcated. The fourtowns were ruled by Tianjin County Government. Theconcessions of UK,France,Japan and Austria were out ofTianjin Government`s rule. It was stipulated that the mayor of Tianjin (Special)City was appointed by the State Council of the Republicof China. Actually,they were appointed by Yan Xishan,Zhang Xueliang and Song Zheyuan. The State Council wasonly responsible for the registration. The mayors changedfrequently. From 1928 to 1937,there were 12 mayors. Theaverage duration of them was 9 months. The longest wasone year,and the shortest,only one month. From 1945 to1949,there were two mayors.
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