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诗文 天津开埠



英、法联军攻占大沽口后,继续进犯,于咸丰十年七月八日 (1860年8月24日),攻到天津城外,正式宣布对天津的军事占领。咸丰帝命大学士桂良、直隶总督恒福为钦差大臣,赴天津与英、法议和。七月十四日 (8月30日),桂良抵达杨村,接到英、法提出的条件: “前文内列各款立允概准,并津城海口亦当即日开埠通商,方可照会各军退驻大沽及山东登州等处,须俟赔偿银两全数给清,始令退出境界。”咸丰帝对此表示实难全部接受。
清咸丰十年九月十一日 (1860年10月24日),《中英续增条约》 (即《中英北京条约》 )在北京签订。所谓《续增条约》,就是《天津条约》的接续和增补,《条约》第三款规定赔银800万两,十月十九日前,在天津先交50万两; 第四款规定,自 《条约》签订之日起,“天津郡城海口作为通商之埠” ,准英人 “至此居住贸易” 。清政府被迫接受。十二月十日,清政府批准在天津设立三口通商衙门,命崇厚为三口通商大臣,天津正式开埠。
对此,清同治年编纂的《续天津县志》有记载: “侍郎衔候补京堂崇厚,著作为办理三口通商大臣,驻扎天津,管理牛庄、天津(还有登州)各口岸通商事务,会同各该将军、督抚、府尹办理,并颁给办理三口通商大臣关防,毋庸加钦差字样。”并在侯家后原盐政使署(即今红桥区大胡同小商品市场附近),设立三口通商衙门,负责办理三口通商、外交事宜。
After the fall of the Dagu Emplacement,the Britishand French allied forces continued their invasion andannounced the military occupation of Tianjin on August24,1860 (July 8 of the 10th year of Emperor Xianfeng).Xianfeng appointed Gui Liang (Prime Minister of Qing)and Heng Fu (Governor-General of Zhili) as imperialenvoys to negotiate with the invaders in Tianjin. OnAugust 30,Gui Liang arrived at Yangcun Villageand received the terms proposed by UK and France,demanding: Ⅰ. The allied forces will not retreat fromDagu and Dengzhou in Shangdong Province until theQing Dynasty agrees all the terms and opens Tianjinfor business; Ⅱ. The troops will not withdraw from theChinese territory until all the compensation taels havebeen paid. Emperor Xianfeng refused to accept all theserequirements.
On September 8,Qing Dynasty assigned Yi PrinceZai Yuan and Defense Minister Mu Yin as imperialenvoys to go to Tianjin. On their way to Tianjin,theyhad to return to Tongzhou because the allied forcescontinued the invasion onto north. For fear of ambush,4,000 or so enemy soldiers advanced only 20-30 mileseveryday. On August 14,British and French sentrepresentatives to negotiate with Zai Yuan in Tongzhou.The enemies claimed occupation of Hexiwu,Tianjin. OnAugust 18,the UK and France sides proposed EmperorXianfeng to receive ambassadors of all countries inBeijing and rid the defense around the capital. QingDynasty refused again and the negotiation stalled.On August 19,the allied forces invaded Tongzhouand Sengge Renchin`s army ran away. On August 23,Emperor Xianfeng escaped from the Winter Palace to histemporary dwellings in Chengde. On September 9,theallied forces intruded into and robbed the Winter Palace.On September 22,the British Ambassador issued anorder to set fire to the Winter Palace. The fire was ablazefor three days. The invaders even burnt some preciouspaintings and calligraphies. Later some of the robbedcuriosities were sold in Beijing and Tianjin.
On October 24,1860 (the 10th year of EmperorXianfeng),the Extended Sino-UK Treaty (Sino-UKBeijing Treaty) was signed in Beijing. Term Three ofthe treaty stipulated that Qing Dynasty must compensateeight million taels of silver,of which a half million taelsmust be paid before October 19 in Tianjin. Term Fourprescribed that,since the signature of the treaty,Tianjinmust be opened as a trading port and permit Britishpeople to live and to do business. Qing Dynasty wasforced to accept all the terms. On December 10,QingDynasty approved to set up the Three-Seaport BusinessYamen with Minister Chong Hou in charge.
The Sequel of Tianjin County Annals compiledduring the reign of Emperor Tong Zhi noted that "TheAssistant Minister Chong Hou was stationed in Tianjinand in charge of the three seaports (Niuzhuang,Tianjinand Dengzhou). He administrated with the generals,directors and perceptual magistrates. He was entitled toissue business permissions without reporting to imperialenvoy. "The Three-Seaport Business Yamen,in chargeof business and diplomatic affairs,was located at theformer Salt Affairs Administration Bureau (now near theflea market of Dahutong in Hongqiao District).





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