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诗文 中共天津地方执行委员会组建


1924年9月,根据党章关于有10人以上党员,可以成立地方执行委员会的规定,以及天津革命形势发展的需要,中国共产党天津地方执行委员会成立。于方舟任委员长,江浩任组织部主任,李锡九任宣传部主任; 委员还有卢绍亭、李希逸等。地址在原法租界24号路普爱里34号(今和平区长春道普爱里21号),后迁至英租界义庆里40号(今南京路义庆里21号)。
党、团地委成立后,把学习和宣传马克思主义作为主要任务; 还请李大钊、蔡和森来津作报告; 并积极开展工人运动,开办平民夜校,传播马克思主义; 吸收工人中的先进分子入党。同时,组织了 “反帝国主义运动联盟” ,“非基督教大联盟” ,反对帝国主义及其利用宗教进行文化侵略; 改组天津学生联合会,成立天津妇女联合会,开展学生和妇女运动。


The popularity of Marxism,the surge of the worker`smovement,both provided the prerequisites for buildingthe branch of CPCin Tianjin. As early as 1923,Tianjinset up CPC branch.
In September,1924,Tianjin Executive Board ofCPC was established according to the principles of CPCthat ten CPC members can set up a local committeein accordance with the requirement of revolution.Yu Fangzhou was Chairman; Jianghao,Head ofOrganization Department; Li Xijiu,Head of PromotionDepartment; Lu Shaoting and Li Xiyi,etc.,members.The Board was located at No. 24,Pu`aiLane,24 Road,French Concession (21 Pu`aiLane,Changchun Road,Heping District). Later,it moved to YiqingLane,BritainConcession (21,YiqingLane,Nanjing Road).
The main task for local committees of CPC andYouth League in Tianjin was studying and promotingof Marxism. They invited Li Dazhao and Cai Hesento make speeches,organized worker`s movement,opened evening schools for civilians,and absorbedactive workers as party members. It organized "Anti-Imperalism Movement League" and "Non-ChristianLeague" against cultural invasion of the imperialists byreligion. It also restructured Tianjin Student League andset up Tianjin Woman League to organize student andwoman activities.
When the local committee was founded,therevolutionary united line with CPC and Kuomintangcooperation as the basis was set up. Yu Fangzhou,Jiang Hao and Han Linfu as representatives of Zhiliattended the First National Congress of Kuomintangin Tianjin organized by Sun Yat-sen. Yu and Han wereelected as alternative executive members of the centralcommittee of the Kuomintang. According to the decisionof central committee of CPC,they began to prepare forthe Kuomintang branches in Zhili and Tianjin. Membersof CPC and Youth League could attend Kuomintangindividually. Most members of provincial and municipalcommittees of Kuomintang were CPC or Youth Leaguemembers. Tianjin Committee of CPC with the help ofKuomintang developed revolutionary forces quickly. In1926,there were 20 branches with 400 members.






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