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单词 engage
engage/ ɪn′ɡeɪdʒ/ v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 雇(聘)用 (begin to employ; hire) [T+nC+n+as]:The cook was~d for a week/for the summer. 那个厨师受雇一个星期/一个夏季。The young man was~d to paint the house. 那个小伙子受雇粉刷房子。~a new assistant 雇用新助手;~sb as the new secretary 雇某人作秘书; He was~d as a lawyer. 他被聘为律师。〖同〗 employ,hire; 〖反〗 fire;

(2) 吸引,引起 (attractcatch and hold) [T+n] (fml):~one's attention/one's concern/one's sympathy 引起某人的注意/关心/同情; His good nature~d many friends. 他的好脾气吸引了许多朋友。The children's attention was~d by the animals in the zoo. 孩子们的注意力被动物园里的动物吸引住了。

(3) 与 …… 交战,开始战斗(join battle with; begin fighting with) [IT+n]:~the enemy fleet 与敌人的舰队交战; The two armies were fiercely~d. 两支部队激烈交战。Our orders are to~at once. 我们接到命令,立即战斗。〖同〗 combat; 〖反〗 flee,retreat,withdraw;

(4) 受(诺言,保证等的)约束(bind by a promisepledge) [T+to-inf]:~(oneself) to do sth (某人)答应做某事; I will~(myself) to be there on time/to pay back the money. 我保证准时到/还钱。〖同〗pledge,promise;

(5) 预定,订座(铺)位(book;reserve) [T+n]:~a room/an entertainer for the children's party 预订一个房间/为孩子们的聚会(预先)雇一位表演者;The seat is~ed.这个座位已经被人预订了。〖同〗 book,reserve;

(6) 使……从事于; 使……忙着 (involve oneself in; be busy with) [IT+n]:be~d in business/in science/in research 从事商业/科学/研究; be~d in knitting 忙着编织; She is~d in dramatics. 她从事戏曲研究。~sb in conversation 与某人交谈;

(7) 使(齿轮等)衔接,咬合(cause part of a machine to fit and lock with another part) [II+prep(with),T+n]:~the gears 挂挡; The teeth of the two wheels had to~before the machine would work. 只有当两个齿轮咬合之后机器才能转动。The clutch~s poorly. 离合器齿合不好。If the big cogwheel does not~with the small one,the clock stops. 如果大小嵌齿轮咬合不好,钟表便会停下来。

engage for (v prep) 应承,承担,保证 (vt,无 pass):~for sb's behaviour 为某人的行为负责; That's all I can~for. 我能保证的只有这些。

be engaged in 从事,忙于: He is~d in espionage/in writing letters. 他从事间谍活动/正忙着写信。

engage upon (v prep) 开始(从事某种职业) (vt,fml):~upon a new profession 开始从事一项新的职业;

be engaged with 与 …… 接洽:He is~d with a visitor. 他正接待一位来访者。





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