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单词 鬼哭神号

鬼哭神号神号鬼哭guǐ kū shén háo

gods and devils howl;devils howl and spirits cry
❍ 不断征云叆叆,~,到处里染腥风,杀人如芥。(洪昇《长生殿》245) The coulds of war loom dark|As gods and devils howl,|And we mow the people down like grass,|Until even the air reeks of blood.
❍ 土人告说: “自丞相经过之后,夜夜只闻得水边~。”(《三国演义》781) They said they had heard the demons moaning every night since he crossed.
❍ 鬼哭与神号,天惊并地惨: 常山赵子龙,一身都是胆! (《三国演义》621) Devils howl and spirits cry,|The sky is afraid and earth trembles.|Such is Zhao Yun,the brave,|Whose whole body is valour.
❍ 此时北京城内百姓黎民,一个个鼠撺狼奔,一家家神号鬼哭,……(《水浒全传》827) By this time in the city all the people were running hither and thither like rats and wolves,and in every house there was the sound of weeping like gods and devils mourning.





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