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单词 鬼使神差

鬼使神差神差鬼使guǐ shǐ shén chāi

at the behest of supernatural powers;doings of ghosts and gods-unexpected happenings; a curious coinci dence
❍ 也不是提鱼穿柳欢心大,也不是~。(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》81) Yet what happiness this is,what a miracle wrought by fairies!/宝玉笑道: “正是呢。这是一高兴起诗社,~来了这些人。”(《红楼梦》606)“That’s right,” Baoyu agreed. “You had the bright idea of starting the club,so now all these people turn up as if by magic.”/不是~,好端端的小陈老爷怎么会抽上了鸦片烟? (《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—281) If it hadn’t been for the influence of devils,why would a decent fellow like Master Chen have taken to smoking opium?/可知老祖宗从小儿福寿就不小:神差鬼使,蹦出那个坑儿来,好盛福寿啊! (《红楼梦》461) Obviously our Old Ancestress was destined from birth to good luck and a long life: that’s why the gods dented her head-to hold her good luck!/她说老头子触犯了太阳菩萨,~,开枪打了自己。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—193) She says the old man sinned against the Sun Buddha,so the spirits made his mind wander and he shot himself.

鬼使神差ɡuǐ shǐ shén chāi

差:派遣,支使。就像暗中有鬼神支使一样,做出了意想不到的事。比喻不由自主和出乎意料。a curious coincidence, unexpected happenings





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