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单词 end
end/end/ n;v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 端点,尽头,末梢(尾,端) (last part; farthest or furthermost limit of the length of sth) [C]:the~of the line/the pencil/the road/the rope/ the table 线梢/铅笔尖/路的尽头/绳子的一端/桌子的边缘; the other~of the globe 地球的另一边; the~s of the world/a barrel 天南地北/桶面桶底; on the~of his nose 在他的鼻子尖上;The path soon came to an~. 小路很快就到了尽头。at the~of a street/a queue 在大街的尽头/队尾; at both/opposite~s of a room /a table 在房间的两头/桌子相对的两边; go from one~of a country (city) to another 从一个国家(城市)的这一边走到另一边; the north/south~of the city 城市的北边/南边; Put the tables~to~. 将桌子一张接一张地摆在一起。 We live at the~house over there. 我们住在那边最后的那所房子里。〖同〗 extremity,terminus,edge,limit,boundary,border;
 (2) 末(结)尾,结束,完结 (finish or conclusion of sth) [C]:at the~of the day/the year/the century 在一天/一年/一个世纪结束时;by the~of the year 到年底为止; The talk has come to an~. 谈话结束了。the~of a book/a letter 书的结局/信尾; The affair is at an~. 事情已经结束。at the~of one's forbearance/one's patience/one's strength 忍耐力/耐心/力量到了极限; stay at the concert to the very~一直待到音乐会结束; love sb till the~of time 爱某人永不变心; regret an error to the~of one's day 对某个错误抱憾终身; There is no~to learning/to progress/to his trouble. 学无止境/不断进步/他的麻烦无休无止。〖同〗close,conclusion,ending,finish,termination; 〖反〗 beginning,start;
 (3) 残片(屑,余) (small piece that remains; fragment)[C]:cigarette/candle/fabric~s 烟蒂/蜡烛头/布头; This~of cloth is enough for a dress. 这块零布头足够做一件连衣裙。〖同〗 remainder,leftover,fragment;
 (4) 死亡,毁灭 (death or ruin)[C] (fml):meet one's~bravely/calmly 勇敢地/冷静地面对死亡; come to an untimely~早丧; meet a violent~暴死; The old man's~was peaceful.老人死得很安详。The~came suddenly for his grandma. 他的祖母死得很突然。be nearing one's~日益临近死亡; the~of civilization 文明的毁灭〖同〗 extinction,extermination,destruction,termination,ruin,death;〖反〗birth;
 (5) 目的(标) (purpose or aim;goal)[C]:do anything to achieve/to gain/to reach/to win one's~s 不惜一切达到目的;to/for this/that~为了这个/那个目的; To what~are you working so hard? 你为什么如此努力工作? means and~s 手段及目的; a means to an~达到某种目的的一种手段; use political,economical and financial pressures towards that~为达到那个目的而使用政治、经济和财政压力; with an~in view 怀有某种目的; What~do you have in view? 你怀有什么目的? The happiness of the people is the~of the government. 为人民谋幸福是政府的宗旨。〖同〗 aim,goal,purpose,intention,design;
 (6) 工作(生意)的一部分(part of a business or work) [C]:do one's~of the job well 将某人的那部分工作做好; the marketing~of the business 生意中的销售工作;
 (be) at an end 结束:The war/money/our friendship was at an~. 战争结束了/钱花完了/我们之间的友谊结束了。
 at a loose end/at loose ends 无事可做; 无固定职业; 不知该做什么:I am at a loose~today. 我今天闲着无事。He hasn't found a job yet,so he's now at loose ~s. 他还没有找到工作,所以现在无固定职业。
 be at one's wit's end 无法可想,智穷计尽:He was at his wit's ~to find enough food for his children. 他无法为自己的孩子弄到足够的食物。
 at the end of one's resources/one's rope/one's tether 山穷水尽; 智穷力竭: He has been unemployed for a long time and (he) is at the~of his rope/tether. 他失业很长时间了,已经到了山穷水尽的地步。
 bring sth/come/draw to an end 结束,完了:As there was no further business,he brought the meeting to an~. 因为没有其他的事情了,他结束了会议。The holidays came/drew to an~. 假期结束了。
 burn the candle at both ends 操劳过度:He works 12 hours a day; he is burning the candle at both~s. 他每天工作12个小时,真是不要命了。
 come to ... end 有 …… 的结果(局):If you continue like that,you will come to a bad/a sticky/a miserable/no good~. 如果你继续那样做的话,你决不会有好下场。
 in the end 最后(终),结果:In the~, he agreed. 最后他同意了。
 make an end of sth 结束:make an~of the trouble/the quarrel 结束麻烦/争吵;
 make (bothtwo) ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出:have trouble/great difficulty (in) making both~s meet 很难做到收支相抵;
 no end of 很多,大量:have/confront with/go to no~of trouble 碰到/面临/不顾(很多)麻烦; cost no~of money 花费大量金钱; meet no~of people 见到很多人;no~of times 无数次;
 odds and ends 零星杂物; 杂七杂八的东西:full of odds and~s 装满杂物;get/buy odds and~s 买杂货;
 on end 竖着;连续地:place sth on~把某物竖着摆放; for days/weeks/miles on~一连几天/几星期/几英里;
 put an end to 结束,制止:put an~to sb's life / foolish behaviour / a policy 结束某人的生命/制止愚蠢的行为/摒弃某项政策;
 (make/set) sb's hair stand on end (使)毛骨悚然:When he heard the terrible story,his hair stood on~. 当他听到那个故事时感到毛骨悚然。The strange cry made his hair stand on~. 奇怪的叫声令他毛骨悚然。
 to the (bitter) end 到底,直到最后(死):be brave/faithful to the (bitter)~至死英勇无比/忠心耿耿; fight/stay to the (bitter)~战斗到底/呆到最后; carry sth (through) to the~将某事进行到底;
 without end 无限(尽)的,没完没了的:troubles without~无尽的烦恼;
 →′ending n 结局(尾); ′endless adj 无止境的,没完的;
 v (1) (使)结束,完结,终止,结果(局) (bring or come to an end) [II+prep T+nT+n+prep]:How does the film~? 电影的结局怎么样? How should I~off the letter? 这封信我该怎样结尾? The play~ed with the hero's death in tragedy. 那场话剧以主人公悲剧性地死去而结束。That book~s on page 450. 那本书共有450页。 ~friendship/relationship 结束友谊/关系;~the meal with coffee/the lecture with a joke 吃完饭喝些咖啡/讲一个笑话结束讲座; His career as a writer/the conference is~ed. 他的作家生涯/会议已经结束了。〖同〗 conclude,cease,close,finish,halt,terminate,stop; 〖反〗 begin,start;
 (2) 毁灭,杀死 (destroy; kill) [T+n]:to~one's own life/a civilization 自杀/毁灭文明; A bullet through the heart~ed him. 子弹穿过心脏将他杀死。〖同〗 destroy,kill,exterminate,extinguish; 〖反〗 begin,start;
 end (up) as 最终成为:He joined the firm as a junior clerk,and~ed as a manager. 他刚到那家公司时只是一名普通职员,最后则成为经理。
 end (up) in 终于,以……为结果:~in a fight/a victory/hospital/prison/smoke 引起战斗/以胜利告终/导致住院/被关进监狱/(东西被)烧光; The road~ed in a farmhouse. 这条路在一家农舍前终止。
 end on (信件,讲话,文章等) 以……的调子结束:He~ed his letter on a cheerful/a gloomy/a hopeful note. 他的信以一种欢快/忧郁/充满希望的调子结束。
 end off (v adv) 结束,到头 (vt):~off one's talk with/by telling an amusing story 用/讲一个可笑的故事结束谈话; The path~s off abruptly. 那条小路忽然到了头。
 end up (v adv) 最后(有某种结局),结束,最后(到达某处) (vi & vt):~up dead/crying one's eyes out 以死告终/最后痛哭流涕;~up a speech/in England 结束讲话/到达英格兰(以后结束);
 end up with 以……结束:The party~ed up with a song. 聚会在歌声中结束。We~ed the dinner with fruit. 我们的晚宴最后一道是水果。
 【辨异】 1) endclose2finish的区别见CLOSE。2) aim goalobject的区别见AIM。





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