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单词 弄巧成拙

弄巧成拙nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō

play a trick that only puts oneself in a bad light; cunning outwits itself; get into trouble by being over-clever (/too clever); make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart;outsmart (/overreach) oneself; overshoot the mark;try to be clever only to end up with a blunder
❍ ~,为蛇画足。(黄庭坚《拙轩颂》) Feet were added to the snake and the drawing backfired.
❍ 这样一来,你们岂不是~,白白赔本么! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》191)So aren’t you stupidly wasting your money and defeating your own ends?/你想标新立异,结果却~。You want to invent something quite out of the ordinary,and,in your effort to be clever,make yourself ridiculous.

弄巧成拙nong qiao cheng zhuo

try to be clever only to end up with a blunder


try to be clever only to end up with a blunder; cunning outwits itself;outsmart oneself; make a fool of oneself

弄巧成拙nònɡ qiǎo chénɡ zhuō

本想耍弄聪明,结果却做了蠢事。outsmart oneself, suffer from being too smart, overreach oneself, go for wool and come home shorn, get into trouble through clever means





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