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单词 progress


△H.VIII.5.3.32 (5.2.67):“hitherto,in all the progress / Both of my life and office.”迄今为止,无论在我生存还是在我任职的全部过程中。
2. state journey made by a king御驾出巡。
△1H.IV.3.1.220 (217): “As is the difference betwixt day andnight / The hour before the heavenly-harnessedteam /Begins his golden progress in the east.”i.e.“astate partaking of sleep and wakedness,as the twilightof day and night” (Johnson). 正像太阳神的马车还没有从东方开始他那金色的出巡之前白昼与黑夜浑然不分的时辰一样。
△Ham.4.3.33 (30): “Nothing but to show you howa king may go a progress through the guts of a beg-gar.”没什么,只是告诉你一位国王怎么会到一个乞丐的肠胃里去巡行一遭。
in progress: on a state journey正在巡行途中。
△2H.VI.1.4.75(72): “The King is now in progress towardsSaint Albans,/ With him the husband of this lovely lady.”国王现在正在向圣奥尔本巡行的途中,由这位可爱的夫人的丈夫陪同着。


n.& v.前进,进步,发展
◇in progress在进行中
make progress with...在…取得进展
‖ progress chart进度表
progress chart of auditing projects审计项目进度表
progress class临时补习班
progress map进度图
progress of audit审计进展
progress of a battle战况
progress of events事态进展
progress of work工作进程
progress payment进程付款
progress record成绩通知书,进展记录
progress report进度报告
progress sheet(比赛)进度表
progress step by step渐进
progress under stable conditions稳中求进
progress with the ball持球移动
rate of progress进度
seek progress amidst stability稳中求进
progressing part learning部分渐进学习级
progression n.累进课税
progression duty递增关税
progression income tax累进所得税
progression income tax system累进所得税制
progression rate累进税率
progression surtax累进附加税
progression tax递进税
progression tax exemption税收累进豁免
progression tax in excess of specific amounts超额累进税
progression tax rate累进税率
progression tax rate in excess of specific amounts超额累进税率
progression tax rate on excess earning超额收益累进税率
progression tax structure累进税结构
progression taxation累进(课)税,递增税
progression taxation system累进税制
progressive adj.前进的,累进的,进步的,进步(主义)的n.进步分子
progressive audit渐进审计
progressive average累进平价数
progressive assembly line流水作业线
progressive braking进行式制动
progressive burning递增面燃烧
progressive change渐进的改变
progressive combustion递增面燃烧
progressive contribution rate累进供款率
progressive costs递增费
progressive damage累进破坏
progressive discount rate累进贴积率
progressive education进步主义教育
progressive effect累进效应
progressive error累进误差
progressive evolution渐进演化
progressive fire逐渐加强的火力
progressive forces进步力量
progressive heredity渐进遗传
progressive increase递增
progressive ledger累计式分类账
progressive matrices test渐进行列测验
progressive mean累加平均
progressive movement渐进运动,进步运动
progressive part method or teaching累进分解教 法
Progressive Party 进步党 (1920年)progressive payment累计支付
progressive personages进步人士
progressive poly syllogism前进的复合三段论
progressive probation顺进的论证
progressive rate累进税率
progressive regressive method前进逆溯法
progressive relaxation training渐进放松练习
progressive school 进步学校
progressive scoring累进计分
progressive series逐次加快反复游组
progressive set逐次加快反复游组
progressive sorites顺进的连锁式
progressive tax累进税
progressive tax rate累进税率
progressive tax structure累进税结构
progressive tax system累进税制
progressive taxation累进税制
progressive teaching进步教学法
progressive thinker进步思想家
progressive tonal steps递增色调梯级
progressive total累计
progressive training循序渐进的训练
progressive wage累进工资
progressionism n.(社会)进步论,进步主义
progressionist n.(社会)进步论者





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