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单词 仗义疏财

仗义疏财疏财仗义zhàng yì shū cái

be generous in aiding needy people; spend on a good cause; give money to a righteous cause; donate money for worthy causes; love generous deeds and look lightly upon silver
❍ 这等一个~的好男子,如何不与他相见? (《水浒全传》172) This generous,free spending spirit,why have you not met with him?/今有晁兄,~,智勇足备,方今天下人闻其名,无有不伏。(《水浒全传》228) Today here is my Elder Brother Chao,generous of heart and lightly esteeming silver and gold,whose wisdom and bravery are perfect.Who is there under Heaven who,having heard of his name,does not show it reverence?/吊君幼学,以交伯符; ~,让舍以居。(《三国演义》486) I lament you.I lament your younger days passed in the compan ionship of Bofu,when,preferring eternal principles to material wealth,you abode in a humble cottage.
❍ 蘧駪夫求贤问业,马纯上~。(《儒林外史》162)Qu Shenfu consults a worthy man about the examinations. Ma Chunshang puts his money at the service of a friend.
❍ 此人十分~,……(《水浒全传》444) This man is altogether one who helps the weak and despises silver.
❍ 想起大官人~,特来投奔。(《水浒全传》364) We bethought ourselves of you,a man noble and looking lightly on silver and quick to help the needy,and so we came hither.

仗义疏财zhang yi shu cai

be generous in aiding needy people

仗义疏财zhànɡ yì shū cái

疏:分散。讲义气,拿出自己的钱财来帮助别人。be generous in aiding needy people, despise wealth and stand for justice, spend on a good cause





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