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单词 付之一笑

付之一笑fù zhī yī xiào

brush aside with a smile;dismiss with a laugh; laugh and forget about it; laugh off (/away); laugh sth out of court
❍ 公孙接了,~。(《儒林外史》140) Zhu Xianfu laughed when he received this message.
❍ 理儒接了信,~,草草的回了一个禀,…… (吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》572) After reading the letter,Liru only smiled and quickly drafted a brief reply,…/杜少卿~,只带了加爵过江。(《儒林外史》384) Du simply laughed,however,and went on alone with Jia Jue.
❍ 宝钗再欲说话,见宝玉十分羞愧,形景改变,也就不好再说,只得一笑收住。别人总没解过他们四个人的话来,因此~。(《红楼梦》363)And when Baochai saw Baoyu so out of countenance,she simply smiled and let the matter drop. So did the others,who had not caught on to this exchange between the four of them.

付之一笑fù zhī yī xiào

用笑一笑来对待回答。比喻不值得理会。dismiss with a laugh, laugh off, brush aside with a smile, be afford to laugh at





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