释义 |
付fùⅠ ❶ (交给) commit to;hand [turn] over to;deliver: 托 ~ commit sth. to sb.'s care; 交 ~ deliver;hand over to;~ 诸实施 put into effect;put into execution;be carried out ❷ (给钱) pay:预 ~ pay in advance; 支 ~ pay out;~ 税 pay taxes Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 吉 Fu Ji Ⅲ (用于成套的东西或用于面部表情):两 ~ 手套 two pairs of gloves; 一 ~ 严肃的面孔 a dignified appearance ◆付持票人 pay to bearer;payable to bearer; 付出 pay;expend; 付定金 pay earnest money; 付方 credit side;credit; 付费交界线路 {电} fee-junction circuit; 付费电视 pay TV;pay-as-you-see television; 付给持票人 pay to bearer; 付款 pay a sum of money; 付里 a surname; 付排 send to the compositor; 付讫 (of a bill) paid; 付清 pay in full;pay off;clear (a bill); 付托 put sth. in sb.'s charge;entrust; 付息 payment of interest;pay interest; 付现 pay in cash;cash;pay cash;cash on the barrelhead; 付一部分 cash without discount payment in part; 付印 send to the press;turn over to the printing shop (after proofreading);go to press; 付邮 post;mail;take to the post; 付与 take out;give; 付账 pay a bill;foot the bill; 付之度外 leave out of a ccount [consideration];banish from one's mind;disregard;ignore;leave out of the calculation;put entirely out of one's mind; 付之流水 throw sth. to the flowing water;deliver [cast] to the wind;give up (as impractical);go [run] to waste;leave a matter to chance [luck];付之阙如 relegate to the category of things wanting;be still wanting; 付之[诸]实现 bring... into being;carry out...;put into action [practice];付之[诸]一炬 set sth. on fire;be destroyed by fire;be burnt down;commit sth. to the flames;confine to the flames;throw ... into the fire [flames];付之一笑 laugh at ...;brush aside with a smile;dismiss [carry off] with a laugh;grin and bear it;laugh and forget about it;laugh away;laugh it off as a joke;laugh out of court;simply laugh;smile away [at] ...; 付诸表决 be put to vote;put ... to the vote; 付诸等闲 let things slide; 付诸东流 cast [deliver;throw] to the winds;All hope is lost.;be gone with the eastward-flowing streams [wind];be gone with the wind;bury in oblivion;come to naught;consign it to the waters,eastward bound;end in smoke;entrust sth. to the east-flowing streams;forget as sth. past;give up;give up as impracticable;go to the wall;go [run] to waste;irrevocably lost;It's a forlorn hope.;leave a matter to chance;The game is up.;thrown into the eastward flowing stream — all one's efforts wasted; 付诸阁议 submit to a council of ministers; 付诸公断 refer it to arbitration;be submitted to arbitration; 付诸公论 ventilate a question;put to public discussion; 付诸公判 be submitted to public trial; 付诸流水 throw to the winds; 付诸[之]阙如 relegate to the category of things unknown; 付诸实施 put into effect;carry out; 付诸汪洋 throw it to the bottom of the ocean [big sea];付诸罔闻 give no heed to;put a matter off as if one had not heard about it;turn a deaf ear to; 付诸行动 put into practice [effect];付足 paid up |