释义 |
cholern. 1. the humour,or bodily fluid,that was thought tomake one short-tempered胆汁(过去被认为能使人暴躁易怒)。 △Shr.4.1.175(172):“For it engenders choler,planteth anger,”因为它会产生胆汁,使人发怒。 2. anger,humour that causes temper 愤怒,怒气。 △Rom.1.1.4 (3): “an we be in choler,”i.e. if we are angry. 如果我们动了火。 △Rom.1.5.93 (89): “Pa-tience perforce with wilful choler meeting”,勉强的耐心和倔强的愤怒遇在一起。 △Oth.2.1.281 (272):“Sir,he’srash and very sudden in choler.”老兄,他性情暴躁,易于发怒。 △1H.IV.1. 3. 129: “What? drunk with choler?”i.e. overcome with anger.怎么? 气糊涂了吗? △H.V.4.7.189(180): “And touched with choler,”i.e. when roused to angry temper. 一旦惹恼了。 △1H.VI. 5. 4.120:“Speak,Winchester,for boiling choler chokes/The hollow passage of my poisoned voice.”你说吧,温彻斯特,因为怒气堵塞住我的喉咙,使我说不出话来。 △H.VIII.2.1.34:“And something spoke in choler,ill and hasty.”在愤怒中匆匆地说了一些难听的话。 3. fit of anger一阵怒火。 △H.V.4.7.37 (34): “in hisrages,and his furies,and his wraths,and his chol-ers,”在他狂怒之中,激怒之中,愤怒之中,以及怒火之中。 4.❶choleric or fiery temperament,i.e. anger暴躁脾气,易怒脾气,(即)怒气。 ❷ (with a pun on) collar,i.e.halter绞索。 △1H.IV.2.4.361 (324): “Choler,mylord,if rightly taken.”如果正确地了解,殿下,这就是脾气暴躁。 5.❶anger愤怒。 ❷bile,biliousness胆汁,胆汁过盛。 △Ham.3.2.320 (303):“No,my lord,with choler.”不,殿下,发火了。(按:纪尔顿斯丹在这句话里把choler理解为❶义,哈姆雷特在下一句话里故意把choler理解为 ❷义。) |