释义 |
choosevi. 1. make choice,select,have an alternative 选择。 △Tw.2.5.192 (174): “Thou canst not choose butknow who I am.”你一定会知道我是谁。 △Tw.4.1.61(57): “Thou shalt not choose but go;” i.e. You mustnecessarily go. 你一定得去。 △Lr.1.4.17(16):“tofight when I cannot choose,” i.e. to fight when Imust. 迫不得已,我也能打架。 2. do at one’s pleasure 自由选择,爱怎么样就怎么样。 △Shr.5.1.48(47):“I hope I may choose,sir.”i.e.I am not subject to your orders. 你管不着我。 3. do as you please,take your own way听便。 △Mer.1.2.50 (47):“An you will not have me,choose.”你若不愿意要我,听便。 Phrases: cannot choose: have no alternative,cannot help没有挑选余地,没有办法。 △2H.IV.3.2.223 (207):“Nay,shemust be old,she cannot choose but be old,”嗯,她一定老了,她不能不老。 cannot choose but: cannot do otherwise than一定会。 △1H.IV.5.2.41:“for I have thrown/A brave defi-ance in King Henry’s teeth,/ And Westmoreland,that was engaged,did bear it,/Which cannot choosebut bring him quickly on.”因为我已经正面地向亨利王作了英勇的挑战,扣在我们这里的威斯摩兰把它带回去了,这一定会使他很快攻上来。 cannot choose but be: cannot help being必然是,一定是。 △1H.IV.1.3.280 (279): “Why,it cannot choose but be a noble plot.”嘿,这一定是一个辉煌的计划。 |